CNH - Credit Card Processing

CNH Credit Card Initial Configuration

  1. Set up a CNH Terminal

    For each workstation that will use the CNH Credit Card feature, please follow the steps below:

    Go to File->Manage Workstations IDs.

Select "ADD NEW" to add a new record

• Select the Location of this Terminal.

• Select "CNH" from the Use Type dropdown list.

• Type any name you want in "WORKSTATION NAME".

• Type the Terminal Id value assigned by CNH in the "WORKSTATION REFERENCE" (unless specified by CNH, all workstations can use the same reference ID).

• Make sure "Inactive" is unchecked.

The Workstation is now configured.

  1. Configure the CNH Credit Card program

    For each workstation that will use the CNH Credit Card feature, please follow the steps below:

    Go to Company->Location Support Lists->Mfg. Credit Programs.

Select “ADD NEW” to add a new record.

• Select “CNH” from the “Program Name” drop down list

• Select a GL account to debit (where the CNH transaction settlement amounts will post)

• Type in your CNH Program login number – this is the CNH Client ID value

• Type in your CNH Program Password – this is the CNH Store ID value

• Type in the production CNH web address (freedompay) in the Program Link field (this example below is the test CNH freedompay web

service address)

• Make sure Inactive and Auto Process are unchecked

The Workstation is now ready to process CNH Credit Card transactions.

Customer Master Information (Zip Code, Phone Number and CNH Account Numbers)

  1. Customer Master Record Configuration

    For each customer that will use the CNH Credit Card feature, please follow the steps below:

    A customer Master record must contain the following in order to process CNH Credit Card transactions:

    • The business address must include the billing zip code on file with CNH for credit card billing purposes.

    • The business phone number must be the phone number on file with CNH for credit card billing purposes.

    • The customer must have a CNH account number defined in the Account Numbers tab.

    Here is an example of a Business Address Note: Zip Code is required.

Here is an example of a Business Phone Number.

Account Numbers.

Once the Customer Master has been configured to use CNH Credit Cards, transactions can be processed for the customer.

Misc. Charges - Mapping to CNH Product Codes

CNH provides Product Codes for mapping to Misc. Charges. Please refer to CNH guides for using Product Codes.

To map “Misc. Charges” to the CNH Product Codes within WNS please follow the steps below:

1. Set Configuration in Company Preferences

Go to Company>Company Preferences.

In the General tab, check “Require Product Codes for Misc. Charges” to allow mapping of CNH Product Codes to Misc. Charges.

  1. Assign Product Codes to Misc. Charges

    Go to Location Support Lists>Miscellaneous Charges.

The Misc. Charges list displays.

Open a Misc. Charge to see the details. Select the desired Product Code from the dropdown list to map to the Misc. Charge.

Enterprise Support Lists>Product Codes will show all available product codes.

Here is a Product Codes list. You have the option to add more product codes as needed.

Settling POS transactions with CNH Credit Cards

For settling POS Invoices, please follow the steps below:

1. Settling POS Invoices

Here is a new Invoice to a CNH Credit Card customer with 1 CASE part.

Select F8-COLLECT PAYMENT to get the Amount Tendered pop-up. Enter the amount of the transaction in the MFG CREDIT field and select CNH as the Type. The default CNH Account will populate in the ACCOUNT # field (if one has been set up for the customer).

You can select another Account # if there are multiple accounts by clicking the ….

Select PROMOS to see available Promotions for this transaction. If none are selected, the default promotion received from CNH for this transaction will be applied.

Select INQUIRE ACCT to see the Current balance and Available credit.


Inquire Accounts

Select F8-Save and Print Receipt to finalize the settlement. A Customer Name verification screen will appear. Enter the First Name and Last name of the customer that will be transmitted with the transaction to CNH.

If the transmitted Transaction is approved by CNH, an Accepted pop-up box will display with the Authorization Code. Hit OK to proceed.

The Invoice will print out to your configured printer (print routing) just like any other POS Invoice. If no print routing is configured, then the Invoice will print to the screen.

The Settlement process is the same for Repair Orders and WG Invoices.

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