Critical Procedures for Dealers

Frequency of Procedures - many of these items should be performed as needed when some event occurs that requires they be performed. However, all of these procedures should be performed or reviewed at least monthly and those in bold/italics should be performed daily.

Process System Menu Navigation Department Responsible
Order Parts (a part master record must be created before a part can be ordered) - Create a Purchase Order Document in the system Supplier>New>Purchase Order OR Inventory>Utilities>Suggest Stock Order Parts
Receive Parts - Create an Item Receipt/Bill Document in the system importing the parts off of the Purchase Order Supplier>New>Item Receipt/Bill Parts
Obtain Mfg. Invoice and attach to shipping documents.  Review Item Receipt for accuracy of prices and part numbers as compared to the Mfg. Invoice.  Write the IR/Bill Document number on the Mfg. Invoice.  Make necessary adjustments to the IR/Bill Document then take paperwork to accounting (accounting department will add freight charges). N/A Parts
Sell Parts - Create an Estimate, Sales Order or Invoice Inventory>New>Estimate or Sales Order or Invoice Parts
Sales to the Shop (for misc shop supplies not on a repair order) should use the INTERNAL - COST customer.  This customer should be set up at a Price Level of cost with a Customer Type of internal so that the system will expense the cost of the parts to the Internal Charges expense account. Inventory>New>Invoice Parts
Count Petty Cash and take money to cashier. N/A Parts
Review and correct any negative quantity on hand - Ensure that all Inventory Receipts have been entered and if not, enter those.  If all receipts have been entered, Create Inventory Adjustment Document to correct the quantities. Inventory>Find>Inventory Item Fetch all items and sort by QOH column to look for negative quantities Parts / Accounting
Manually Update Inventory Master file for Cost/Price Changes for all parts not connected with an electronic price file received from RIMSS. Inventory>Find>Inventory Item Enter the Item Number and click on Fetch.  Double Click the line in the grid to open the Part Master and click on the Pricing Tab to adjust cost and prices. Parts
System Update of Inventory Master file Changes for subscribed price files - RIMSS will notify you when you have received a price file update. Inventory>Utilities>Update Inventory Master File  Parts
Run Stock Class Update Program Inventory>Utilities>Suggest Stock Order   Click on the Update Now button for the Stock Class Update Parts
Periodically perform cycle counts of inventory items and reconcile to system.  Apply Inventory Adjustment Documents to correct quantities and values. Inventory>New>Inventory Count Parts / Accounting
Create Repair Estimate/Order - Use the DEALER NAME - SALES customer for all work performed on dealership owned units.  Units held for sale and dealer owned assets may be added to Repair Orders as Internal Service Issue types for expensing at cost.  Units held for sale may be added as Customer Service Issue Type if you want to mark up the cost of the work.   The DEALER NAME - SALES customer should be set with a price level of List (or other price level you wish to charge to WG units for internal work performed) with a Service Issue Type of Customer.   When settling cost to be capitalized to units for sale, click "Add to Wholegood".  When settling internal expense repair orders, click "Settle Invoice". Service>New>Repair Estimate or Repair Order Service
Add Part Lines to Repair Estimate/Order Service>New>Repair Estimate or Repair Order  Click on Items Tab Parts
Add Labor Lines to Repair Estimate/Order Service>New>Repair Estimate or Repair Order  Click on Labor Tab Service
Add Actual Labor Hours to Repair Order (Actual Hours) Service>New>Repair Estimate or Repair Order  Click on Labor Tab Service or Accounting
Add Billed Labor Hours to Repair Order (Billed Hours) Warranty Claims - Do not settle the Repair Order until the warranty claim has been submitted to the manufacturer and approved. Once the Repair Order has been edited such that the Warranty Total on the Repair Order matches the approved amount of the claim, you should settle the Repair Order.   Keep a file of all approval paperwork from Mfg. Service>New>Repair Estimate or Repair Order  Click on Labor Tab Service
Close Repair Orders Service>Find>Repair Order  Click on Completion Status Drop Down Service
Settle Repair Orders Service>Find>Repair Order  Click on the correct Settlement Option Button (F8 Settle Invoice, Settle to GL, Add to Inventory, or Add to Wholegood) Service or Accounting
Sales / Wholegoods    
Order Wholegoods - (a wholegood master record must be created before a wholegood can be ordered) - create a Purchase Order Document in the system.  Suppliers>New>Purchase Order   Sales
Create Wholegoods master record in the system prior to creating an order. Ensure that the Accounting Code on the Cost Tab of the Master Record is correct.  The accounting code should match the location and the floor plan provider.  If there is no floor plan, any accounting code for the respective location will work.  All WG's set up in this procedure will be Sales type (NOT Service).  Use a description that you want to show up on the invoice to the customer (i.e. Make and Model). Wholegoods>New>Wholegood Accounting
Receive Wholegoods - Create an Item Receipt/Bill Document in the system importing the wholegood g/l lines off of the Purchase Order. Supplier>New>Item Receipt/Bill Sales/Accounting
Sell Wholegood - Create a Wholegood Estimate or Sales Order Document when a customer is interested in buying a Wholegood Wholegoods>New>WG Estimate or WG Sales Order Sales
Sell Wholegood - When Customer is ready to close the deal, convert Wholegood Estimate or Sales Order to Invoice and Settle the Invoice Wholegoods>Find>WG Estimate or WG Sales Order  Find the document on the list, double click to open the  document and click on the Convert to Invoice menu option Sales or Accounting
Payoff WG Financing - Create Payment Document (Cash/ACH Type) to record the payoff.  Offset account should be the respective floor plan liability account for the WG sold or Accounts Payable if the liabilitiy has been set up using that account. Banking>New>Payment Sales / Accounting
Periodically perform physical inventory counts and reconcile results to system N/A Sales
Accounts Receivable    
Establish Credit for Customers in the Customer Master File Customer>Find>Customer  Double click on the Customer in the list to open the Customer Master and click on Details Tab Accounting
Customer Payment Application Customer>New>Customer Receipt Accounting
Apply Finance Charges Customer>New>Finance Charge Accounting
Create Customer Statements Customer>Customer Statements Accounting
Reconcile AR Aging to GL Reports>Customers>Accts. Receivable Aging Accounting
Call Past Due Accounts N/A Accounting
Write Off Uncollectible Accounts Customer>New>Customer Receipt    Select the Customer and Right Mouse Click the Invoice in the grid for Write Off Option Accounting
Accounts Payable    
Enter Bills / Credits Suppliers>New>Item Receipt/Bill Accounting
Pay Bills Suppliers>Pay Bills OR Suppliers>New>Pay Supplier Statement Accounting
Print Checks Banking>Print Checks Accounting
Reconcile AP Aging to GL Reports>Suppliers>Accts. Payable Aging Accounting
Other Accounting    
Clear Internal Customer Account - Any amounts charged to Internal Customers must be moved to the appropriate GL account.  Review the AR balance of these customers on a daily basis and create an entry to credit AR-Trade to zero out the amounts.  The offsetting entry on the journal will depend on the nature of the charges. When the charges are for Wholegood Units held for sale (whether the unit is on hand or already sold) the entry should be entered on a Wholegood Journal document.  Select the WG in the header section of the document and the offsetting account in the grid will be AR-Trade.  When the charges relate to anything other than a Wholegood unit held for sale, the entry should be done with a Journal Entry and include a credit to AR-Trade and a debit to the appropriate account. CRM>Find>Customer    Include the balance column in the list to see if any internal customers have balances.  Create statements for those that do by navigating to CRM>Create Statements.  Find the WG ID for any Wholegoods that are held for sale and document these for use in the WG Journal.  Create WG Journals by navigating to Wholegoods>New>Wholegood Journal.  Create Journal Entries by navigating to Company>New>Journal Entry. Accounting
Review Internal Charges Account - The cost of items sold to an Internal Type customer or included on an Internal Line Type on a Repair Order will accumulate in the Internal Charges Expense account in the General Ledger.  These amounts should be reviewed on a periodic basis (daily or weekly) in order to determine if they should be moved to another account with a Journal Entry. Company>Find>Chart of Accounts Double click on the Internal Charges account to produce a transaction register for the day.  Extend the period if needed by using the date range feature at the top of the form. Accounting
Clear Outside Parts and Service Account - The cost of outside parts and labor added to invoices will accumulate in this account.  Offsetting IR/Bills will also accumulate in this account.  This account should be reconciled on a periodic basis (weekly/monthly) and the amounts should be cleared. Banking>New>Reconciliation   To clear the reconciliation, the starting balance will be 0.00 and the ending balance will be 0.00.  You will make a journal entry against COGS for any discrepancies to bring the cleared balance to 0.00. Accounting
Reconcile Petty Cash Drawer and deposit excess funds Banking>New>Deposit Accounting
Deposit Undeposited Funds generated from customer receipts Banking>New>Deposit Accounting
Reconcile Mfg. Statements (for parts and/or wholegoods activity) - Ensure that all transaction on the statement have been entered in the system.  Create Journals to enter any amounts on the statement not already recorded.  Create a Journal Entry to move the Accounts Receivable amount related to warranty credits from AR-Trade to Accounts Payable.  Using the Pay Supplier Statement process, select all transactions included on the supplier statement payment until the payment shown in RIMSS equals the net amount paid to the Supplier. Supplier>New>Pay Supplier Statement Accounting
Reconcile Bank Accounts Banking>New>Reconciliation Accounting
Accounting Close - review all balances for completeness and accuracy before performing an accounting close.  Performing regular closes will improve the performance of the system when generating certain lists of data. Company>New>Accounting Close Accounting
Back-up Data File>Data Backup/Restore Accounting
Review for Old Outstanding Repair Orders Service>Find>Repair Orders Accounting
Review for Old Outstanding Sales Orders Inventory>Find>Sales Orders Accounting
Review for Old Outstanding WG Sales Orders Wholegoods>Find>Sales Orders Accounting
Review for Old Outstanding IR/Bill Documents that have not been converted to Bills Suppliers>Find>Item Receipt/Bill Accounting
Pay Sales Tax Company>Sales Tax>Pay Sales Tax Accounting
Reconcile Floor Plan Statements to GL N/A Accounting
Reconcile Note Payable Statements to GL N/A Accounting
Open the Mail - One person responsible for opening the mail, logging the items received and distributing the various pieces to the correct departments is a crucial control for helping to ensure that all transactions are entered into the system. N/A Accounting
Consider implementing a centralized cashier.  All transactions would be settled by the cashier.  This would improve accuracy and completeness of sales transactions.  The Sales, Parts and Service departments would create sales orders / repair orders and when ready to complete the transaction send the customer to the cashier to settle the transaction. N/A Accounting
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