DevExpress Advanced Reporting Tool

To access DevExpress Reporting go to: Reports > DevExpress Reporting.

To create aDevExpress report that is connected to data, do the following:

1.    Click File > New via Wizard… to invoke the Report Wizard window.

Report Wizard

2.    Select the report type (Data-bound Report) and click Next.

3.    Select the data source type (Database) and click Next.

4.   Data Connection selection -  Select “No, I’d like to specify the connection Parameters myself” and click Next.

5.     Select the Provider (Microsoft SQLServer).

6.     Enter the Server name (IP address).

7.     Select the Authentication type (Server authentication).

8.    Enter your User name.

9.    Enter your Password.

10. Select the Database (WinNetStarApp) and click Next.

11.  When saving the connection string, select “Yes, save all required parameters” and click Next.  Selecting “No skip credentials for security reasons” will require the user name and password when accessing a saved report.

Create a query orselect a stored procedure.

12.      To create a query, select Query and click Run Query Builder to invoke the Query Builder window.

13. Click on an item in the list of available tables/views on the left to view the columns that are in that particular table.  The list of columns will display in the bottom left hand window.

14. Double-click the table/view you wish to include into the query.

15.  Check the box next to the item you want to include in your query.  The list of columns you have chosen will display in the bottom window underneath the tables/views you have chosen.

16. Click Preview Results to display the first 1000 rolls of your report.

17. After viewing your results, click Close to go back to the Query Builder window where you can edit the columns or add filters to your report.

18. Click Filter to invoke the Filter Editor window.

19.  The Filter Editor allows you to build complex filter criteria with an unlimited number of filter conditions.  I have added a filter to only show parts that have a quantity of at least one on hand.  Click OK to go back to the Query Builder window.

20. Click Preview Results to display the first 1000 rolls of your report with the filter in place.

21. Only items that have a quantity of 1 or greater are displayed.  After viewing your results click Close to go back to the Query Builder window.

22. Click OK to close the Query Builder and return to the Report Wizard window.

23.  After you have built your query it will be displayed in the SQL string pane.  Click Next.

24.    Select the columns you want to display within your report.   Highlight an item and use the arrow to add the field to the “Fields to display in a report” pain.  

Click on the double arrows to add all available fields at once.

25. Enter the Fields in the order you would like them to appear on the report.  Repeat until you have all the fields you want in the report and click Next.

26.     To create groups, highlight an item and use the arrow to add the field to the pane on the right.  Repeat until you have all fields grouped the way you want them in the report and click Next.

This is optional and you can skip by clicking next.

The report layout specifies the manner in which selected data fields are arranged on individual pages.

27.   Select the page orientation.

28.   Select the page layout.

29.   Check “Adjust the field width so all fields fit onto a page” and click Next.

30. Select the report style and click Next.

31. Specify the report’s title and click Finish.

32. When you are done editing your report, click the Preview button on the bottom ribbon menu to preview the report.

33.  The report is now ready to Save, Export, E-mail, or Print.

34.  Click File, Save As… to save your report.

35.  To export your report click on the Export Document button, choose the format option.

36.  To e-mail your report click on the Send via E-mail button, choose the format option.

37.  Click File > Close to close out of DevExpress Report.

To access a saved DevExpress Report go to:

Reports> DevExpress Reporting.

1.    Click File > Open to invoke the File Explorer Open window.

2.    In File Explorer Open window, select your report and click Open.

3. Click the Preview button on the bottom ribbon menu to refresh the document with the update information.

4.  Please Wait.  Creating the document...  The report is connecting to the data base to pull in the updated information.

5.  The report is now ready to Save, Export, E-mail, Print, or Edit.

6.  Click the Designer button on the bottom ribbon menu.

7.  On the bottom of the top right pain select Report Explorer.

8. Right click on the data source (sqlDataSource1) and select Manage Queries

9.  Click on the Ellipse (…) to invoke the Report Wizard window.

10.  Select Query and click Run Query Builder… to invoke the Query Builder window.

11.  Check the box next to the items you want to add to your query (OEMVendorName and OEMVendorNumber). The two new columns you have chosen have been add to the list in the bottom window underneath the tables/views.

12.   Click Preview Results to display the first 1000 rolls of your report.

13. After viewing your results, click Close to go back to the Query Builder window where you can edit the columns and/or add filters to your report.

14. Click OK to close the Query Builder and return to the Report Wizard window.

15.  After you have built your query it will bedisplayed in the SQL string pane. Click Finish.

16.  In the Manage Queries window click OK.

17.  The two new fields have been added the Field List.

18.  Click on Report Explorer.

19.  In the Report Explorer right click on XtraReport and select Design in Report Wizard.

20.  Select the report type (Data-bound Report) and click Next.

21.  Highlight an item and use the arrow to add the field to the “Fields to display in a report” pain. Click Next.

22. This is optional and you can skip it by clicking Next.

23. Select the page orientation (Portrait).

24. Select the page layout (Tabular).

25. Check “Adjust the field width so all fields fit onto a page” and click Next.

26. Select the report style (Corporate) and click Next.

27. Specify the report’s title (Quantity on Hand vs Available for Sale) and click Finish.

28. Click in the title box to edit the column name.  Use the tools provided on the tool bar to continue editing your report.

29. Click the Preview button or go to View > in the title box to edit the column name.  Use the tools provided on the tool bar to continue editing your report.

  1. When you are done editing your report click the Preview button on the bottom ribbon menu to preview the report.
  2. Click File > Close to close out of DevExpress Report.

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