Search Filters Functionality

Post-Fetch grid filters have many options in the way they can be used and in the options available for filtering.

You can access the filter row by right-clicking your mouse on the column header of your grid.  See 1 below.

Auto filter row

Additional filter options

To change the default filter, click onthe filter icon shown and choose the new default filter.

You no longer use the * asterisk to search for text located anywhere in the field.  You can choose the “Contains” filter, and it will find text for you regardless of the position the characters are in.

NOTE:   All filters will remember the last selection you used for the grid and will default to that selection in the future.   The new selection will be used as the default until you change it.

Next, the Funnel filters can perform other search types when pressing the LEFT mouse button.

The funnel filter will display a few different menus depending on the type of column you are searching.

2.1     Checkmark filter - You can select all, some, or one of the options shown inside the drop down menu and click OK.   This will filter to only the rows of the items you checkmarked.

2.2  Custom Filter - The custom filter menu allows you to design your own search parameters.  Contact RIMSS support if help is needed.

2.3  Values/Numeric Filters

2.4  Date Filters

2.5  Values/Text Filters

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