General Ledger Maintenance - Associate Revenue and COGS

In the General Ledger, Revenue Accounts should be associated with their matching COGS accounts.  This association needs to follow a 1:1 ratio of Revenue > COGS in order for the Gross Profit Report to work correctly. These associations are necessary for the system to know which COGS account to post against when creating the settlements on POS Documents.  Accounting Sources are assigned only the Revenue Accounts and the system will read the associations to determine the COGS account that applies. 

To associate a Revenue account you will need to open your Chart ofAccounts Grid.  You can do this by going to:

Company > Find > Chart of Accounts Grid

Alternately, you can use the shortcut of “Ctrl + T” to open the Chartof Accounts Grid.

Once in your Chart of Accounts, Find the Revenue Account that you wish to either associate with a new COGS Account or change the association to a different COGS Account.  You will Right-Click on the Revenue Account and choose “Modify…."

This will give you the Account Modification Pop-Up.  In the center of the pop-up is the area for “Associated COGS Account”.  This area will only be available on type Revenue accounts.  You can click the down arrow and choose the appropriate COGS account from the list. Click “OK” when you are finished editing the account.  You can verify any associations by adding the“Associated COGS Account” column to your Chart of Accounts Grid and refreshing the list.  This column will list all current associations.

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