Customer Purchase Orders
The Customer Purchase Order feature within WinNetStar allows a user to set up Purchase Orders by customer and track sales against those Purchase Orders. You can set a purchase order amount, a date range, and eligible document types for each Purchase Order. The system will then require the user to select a Purchase Order when making a sale to the customer and will produce various warning messages if the amount of the sale is going to exceed the total of the PO or if the document date is outside the date range of the PO. Total sales, sales orders and estimates will be tracked and are displayed in the Customer Master. The following screen shots illustrate the set up and use of this feature.
Within the Customer Master you will find the Customer Purchase Order Tab. On this screen, you can add or edit Customer Purchase Orders and you can view the detailed documents that reference a particular Purchase Order. Yellow highlighted lines have accumulated sales that are nearing the total of the Purchase Order. Red highlighted lines have sales that have exceeded the Purchase Order total.
Clicking on the Add New button will produce the pop up below.
A PO number is required. You can also give it a description and add notes.
The Start Date and End Date are required as well as a dollar amount.
The Eligible Document Types drop down will allow you to select the documents where this PO will be used. The Tolerance is not required but putting a percentage in this field (like 90%) will alert the user that this PO is nearing its total by highlighting the line yellow when it reaches this percentage.
Duplicate PO numbers are allowed for those instances where one customer will issue one PO for 10,000 with 4,000 approved for Inventory Items and 6,000 approved for Service work. You can set the same PO number up with its respective amount and restrict it to the appropriate document type.
Clicking on a line in the top section of this form will populate the Purchase Order Number field in the bottom half of the form. Selecting Fetch will then produce a detailed list of all the documents that reference the selected PO. Please note that if you are using estimates, those estimates will remain open and against the PO until voided. Converting the estimate to a sales order or invoice will not do this. They must be voided if you do not want them to count against you PO amount.
See the definition of amounts in the following columns:
Used - will display the total of all invoices that have been settled against the PO.
Commitments - will display the total of all sales order/repair orders against this PO.
Estimates - will display the total of all estimates against this PO.
Subtotal – will display the sum of the Used, Commitments and Estimates amounts.
Net Remaining – will display the sum of the total PO less the Subtotal.
Net Unused – will display the sum of the total PO less the amount Used.
At point of sale, you can click on the blue square in the Customer PO# field to produce this pop up. Double click a line to select that PO. For customers that do not have PO’s set up in their master in this way, you will still be able to type a PO number directly in this field.