Document Edit/Void Rules


Purchase Order
Edit restrictions Can be fully Edited up until Approval
Void Restrictions Can be Voided up until Approval
Read Only Status

Once Approved the document changes to read only

1. Cannot be Edited

2. Cannot be Voided

Read Only Exceptions PO Line Statuses can be updated manually until whole PO is Closed
Item Receipt/Bill
Edit restrictions

Can be fully Edited up until Status is Closed, except:

1. Document Date cannot be moved forward in time after created (if document already exists)

2. Some data fields on a line referenced to the PO cannot be edited: Type, Number, Description, Order Type, Reference, and PO#

3. Any line not referenced to a PO can be fully edited

Void Restrictions Can be Voided until Status is Partial or Closed
Read Only Status

Once Bill has been partially or fully paid (Bill Pay) then its Status is Partial or Closed (Bill changes to read only)

1. Cannot be Edited

2. Cannot be Voided

Read Only Exceptions If a referenced Bill Payment is voided, then the Bill status changes back to Open and thus can be edited. See Edit Restrictions above.
Bill Payment (not New Payment)
Edit restrictions

Bill Payment (created from Bill Pay in Supplier)

1. Cannot be Edited

Void Restrictions

Bill Payment (created from Bill Pay in Supplier)

1. Can be Voided up until it is included in a Reconciliation

Read Only Status

Once Bill Payment is referenced to a Reconciliation, the Bill Payment changes to read only

1. Cannot be Edited

2. Cannot be Voided

Read Only Exceptions Once Reconciliation is performed, the Reconciliation cannot be Voided, thus all reconciled Bill Payments can never be Edited or Voided again.


Edit restrictions Can be fully Edited anytime (no read only status)
Void Restrictions Can be Voided anytime
Read Only Status NONE: see Edit and Void restrictions
Read Only Exceptions NONE
Sales Order
Edit restrictions

Header can only be fully Edited in Open status (not Partial or Closed)

Detail lines can be edited up until:

1. Line is converted to an Invoice or

2. Line has Back Order or Drop Ship quantity that has been Stock Ordered and Saved and Approved on a PO

Void Restrictions Can be Voided anytime
Read Only Status See Edit and Void restrictions
Read Only Exceptions NONE
Edit restrictions Cannot be Edited once Settled (either On Account or Cash)
Void Restrictions

Can be Voided only:

1. On Account Settlement – Until Sales Tax on Invoice is Paid or Customer Receipts applied

2. Cash Settlement – Until Sales Tax on Invoice is Paid or Deposit is posted

Read Only Status

Once the Invoice is Settled in POS, the Invoice is read only (note: Invoices settled “On Account” are Open and to Cash are Closed).

Read only exceptions:

Open Status (Settled via On Account in POS)

1. Can be Voided until Sales Tax on Invoice is Paid

Closed Status (Settled via payment in POS)

1. Can be Voided until Sales Tax on Invoice is Paid

An Open Status Invoice can be Partially or Fully closed by applying Customer Receipts.

Partial Status

1. Cannot be Voided once Partial

Closed Status

1. Cannot be Voided once Partial

Read Only Exceptions For Invoices that had Customer Receipts applied after POS (Closed or Partial after POS), if the referenced Customer Receipt(s) is voided, then the Invoice status changes back to Open or Partial. See Read Only Status above for restrictions.
Finance Charge
Edit restrictions Cannot be Edited once Saved (no Save button)
Void Restrictions Can be Voided until read only
Read Only Status Read only once Customer Receipt applied
Read Only Exceptions If the referenced Customer Receipt is voided, then the Finance Charge can be voided
Customer Receipts
Edit restrictions Cannot be Edited once Saved
Void Restrictions Can be Voided until the bank account referenced in header is reconciled (account that includes the receipt transaction)
Read Only Status NONE (other than edit/void restrictions)
Read Only Exceptions NONE


Inventory Transfer
Edit restrictions

Can be fully Edited until read only, except:

1. Document date cannot be changed

Void Restrictions Can be Voided until read only
Read Only Status NONE (other than edit/void restrictions)
Read Only Exceptions NONE
Inventory Adjustment
Edit restrictions Cannot be Edited once Saved
Void Restrictions Can be Voided
Read Only Status NONE (other than edit/void restrictions)
Read Only Exceptions NONE


New Payment (not Bill Payment)
Edit restrictions

New Payment (not from Bill Payment)

1. Can be fully Edited up until Printed or Reconciled

Void Restrictions

New Payment (not from Bill Payment)

1. Can be Voided up until Reconciled

Read Only Status

Once Payment is referenced to a Reconciliation, the Payment changes to read only

1. Cannot be Edited

2. Cannot be Voided

Read Only Exceptions Once Reconciliation is performed, the Reconciliation cannot be Voided, thus all reconciled Payments can never be Edited or Voided again.
Edit restrictions Can be fully Edited until Read Only
Void Restrictions Can be Voided until Reconciled
Read Only Status

Once Deposit is referenced to a Reconciliation, the Deposit changes to read only

1. Cannot be Edited

2. Cannot be Voided

Read Only Exceptions NONE: Once Reconciliation is performed, the Reconciliation cannot be Voided, thus all reconciled Deposits can ever be Edited or Voided again.
Edit restrictions Cannot be Edited once “Saved and Finished”
Void Restrictions Cannot be Voided
Read Only Status

Once Saved and Finished, the Reconciliation is read only

1. Cannot be Edited

2. Cannot be Voided

Read Only Exceptions NONE


Journal Entry
Edit restrictions Can be fully Edited until read only
Void Restrictions Can be Voided until read only
Read Only Status

Once JE is referenced by another document, then JE changes to read only

1. Cannot be Edited

2. Cannot be Voided

Read Only Exceptions NONE: If the reference to the JE is removed, then read only status is removed. See Edit restrictions.

General Closing Rules

Soft Close

All documents within the Soft Close period that have a financial accounting impact (everything except PO, Estimates, Sales Order) follow the document edit rules above for users with authorization to edit/void them. For non-authorized users, financial accounting documents cannot be edited or voided within the Soft Close period.

Hard Close

All documents dated within a Hard Close period that have financial accounting impact (everything except PO, Estimates, Sales Order) become read only.

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