How to Import a Journal Entry from Excel

WinNetStar includes the ability to import data from a Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet into a Journal Entry.

The following screen shots illustrate this function.

Data must be in the following layout before it can be imported. The first Row must be a header row as seen below.

The first column is the System ID of your account in the chart of accounts.

Make sure that the amount column nets to zero. Debits are positive and credits are negative.

The Reference column should be the System ID of the respective reference and is required for any referenced accounts. It should be blank if the account is not a referenced account. The Memo column is optional.

  1. Click on the Import menu option on your Journal Entry. You will see the pop up below.
  2. Click on the Select File to Import button and you will see a lookup of your local directories.

Double click the file you would like to import.

This will populate the File Name field and you will see a drop down for Sheet Name. Select the sheet name in the Excel File that has your data for import.

You are now ready to click on the Import button.

Data can be edited in this pop up after it has been imported. Once you are ready, you can click on the Transfer Data to Document button.

The system will convert the system ID’s of your references to the correct format for the Journal Entry. You may manually edit this journal entry after import. You are now ready to save your document.

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