2016 Spring Release Notes








Added a new permission – “Allow user to open and edit a saved Bill”
Users can now multi-select documents for attachment.
Made numerous changes to correct translation and format issues related to our French language version.
Corrected some minor display issues with the Balance Sheet Report.
Payment Type on the Customer Sales Report now displays the correct type when settled to the customer’s account.
Corrected an issue related to the Duplicate Line feature on the IR/Bill document when attempting to duplicate certain types of lines.
When adding a GL line to an IR/Bill where the GL Account is referenced to a Wholegood, the system will now populate the Description Column of the document with the description of the Wholegood.
Corrected numerous display issues in Customer, Supplier and Employee Master forms related to using certain screen resolutions.
Add an option to print the 1099 list.
Added an option to print a new column on Profit and Loss reports for % of Revenue. This new feature only works when you are generating a report with either one or two columns of financial data.
Corrected an issue with populating Budgets from actual data when the fiscal year end is other than December 31.
Added a new custom reporting module that allows users access to all data fields in the data base with custom report writing features. This new module is available for purchase. If you are interested, please contact Bill Young to schedule a demo and for pricing information at 210-202-0342 or byoung@rimss.com.
Fixed an issue on the Reconciliation form where the incorrect WG was being referenced on WG Journal type documents in certain instances.
The Document Register Detail Tab on point-of-sale documents (parts, service, wholegoods) now has pre-fetch filters for WG SN (wholegood serial number) and Item SN.
Added a new menu option to point-of-sale documents to Update Line Items. Selecting this option will update pricing and description information on the WG, Item, Misc. and Core Charge Line Types on the document.
Added a new Profit and Loss Report (the original report is still available). The new report allows up to 13 columns of data, and when created, will display in a grid format allowing additional customization with column chooser and filtering options. Custom P&L reports can be created including print options such as headers and footers, orientation, margins, etc. The custom reports can then be saved using the Saved Queries menu option.
Corrected an issue with Soft Closes where it did not restrict the voiding of certain document types.
Added two new columns to the Customer Sales report as follows:
·         Time Sold
·         Day of Week Sold
Grouping by these columns will give you information about your busiest times of the day or busiest days of the week. When grouped by one of these columns, use the subtotal bands to sum revenue amounts and the count number of transactions.
Added a new permission for overriding discounts on point-of-sale documents.
Created a new view of Permissions to aid in the review of which roles have what permissions. To see this new view, navigate to File>Manage>Manage Permissions. You will now see two tabs, Manage and View. The View tab is new. Click on the tab. The first time you go to this tab you will need to select the default layout. French columns are available in column chooser. You can sort, filter and group this data to help review your permissions for completeness and accuracy.
Users can now print Wholegood Journals and Settle to GL pop-up grids. The print option for the Settle to GL pop-up grid is found by right mouse clicking the header row of the grid.
Added the following columns to the Transaction Detail Report:
·         Make
·         Model
·         Serial Number
These values will populate for those GL Accounts that are referenced to Wholegoods.
Added an option to Exclude Account Numbers when printing balance sheet and Profit & Loss reports.
If there is no primary contact or other designated contact for a customer, the system will include the Business Phone in the header section of point-of-sale documents.
Added a pivot grid tab to the Wholegood Sales Report. The pivot grid adds flexibility in the design of reports with enhanced options for the view and layout of your data.
Layouts can now be saved on the Purchase Order document.
Added columns to the pop-up seen when performing an accounting close displaying negative inventory as follows:
·         AVG Cost (this is the current Average cost – not as of the close date)
·         Dollar Value (this is the quantity times the current average cost)
Corrected an issue with the display of inactive time slip categories.
Column chooser pop-ups now have a search field in the header section of the pop-up.
Corrected an issue with the Save and Print feature when using the Edit Transactions menu option on point-of-sale documents.
Created a new report to display all contact data in one grid. Data can then be filtered to create custom reports such as Customer Ship To Addresses which can then be printed or exported. Users can also multi select contact emails to produce an Outlook Email with multiple recipients. Use the check box column on left margin to select the emails to include and click on the menu option “Create Outlook Email”. To view this report navigate to Reports>Contacts.
Added a column for Warranty Customer Name to the Reconciliation Form.
Corrected an issue on Budgets when adding new GL accounts.
The Purchase Order document now includes a new menu option to Add Wholegood Line Items. Selecting this option will produce a pop-up of your Wholegood List. You can multi select items from the list by holding the CTRL key and clicking on the items then add them to the PO by clicking on the Select button in the header section of the pop-up. The system will auto add GL line types for the Wholegoods selected using the Asset Account set up in the Wholegood Master as the GL Account. Those masters that do not have an asset account set up will be added without an account and will need further editing.
Enhanced the IR Bill document to allow the user to select Floor Plan Liability Accounts instead of Accounts Payable for the offsetting accounting entry to the lines detailed in the grid. Users will notice a drop down in the header section of this document that defaults to Accounts Payable. The drop down will display all Other Current Liability type accounts that are referenced to Wholegoods. This allows users to use this document to record the cost of Wholegoods in the grid with the credit recorded into a floor plan liability account instead of Accounts Payable.
The IR Bill List was also enhanced with a new column related to this new feature to display Liability Account.
Added a new column to the IR Bill List to display a check mark for those documents that are set up to be Paid By Statement.
The user’s last layout will now save on the Aging Grid in the Financial Tab of the Supplier Master.
Corrected an issue with inactive lookup values continuing to display on user defined fields.
Added a new column to the Manage Users list to display Employee Name.
Removed the Pay Rate column from the Employee List.
Added a line count at the bottom of Purchase Orders. To see the line count you must first restore your layout by right mouse clicking on the header row of the PO and selecting the default layout.
Added a column to the Time Slip List for Fleet Number.
Added a column to the Transaction Detail Report for Warranty Customer.
Added a column to the Deposit form to display Document Number.
Added a column to the Customer Line Item Detail Report to display the Header Memo from point-of-sale documents.
Corrected an issue with erroneous negative time slip error pop-up.
Added a new menu option on Journal Entries and IR Bill documents to Add Sales Tax Group Items. This option prompts the user for the taxable amount, then prompts for selection of a tax group. It will then calculate the appropriate tax for each sales tax item within the group and auto add the lines to the document.
Users can now select Other Expense Type accounts in the Depreciation Expense drop down on Fixed Asset Masters.
Added a print option to the finalized reconciliation form.
Users can now customize the location of columns on the Pay Bills screen. The system will save the user’s last view.
Users can now manually edit amounts on the 1099 list prior to printing the forms.
Users can now edit time slip notes. Right mouse click on a time slip from the My Time Slips report to see this option.
On Supplier Statements, the date now reflects the Supplier Invoice Date rather than the document date on IR Bill documents.
Enhanced the printing of invoices to improve performance and solve memory leaks creating loss of logos.
Corrected an issue with editing of IR Bills after a soft close.
The AGCO Credit Card interface is now available.
Added the Supplier Reference ID to the IR Bill document header and to the IR Bill List.
The memo field in the CRM Event document has been changed to Next Follow Up Date.
Corrected an issue with the display of Last Check Number on the check printing form.
Made several enhancement to the AR Aging Report as follows:
·         Right mouse click option to open customer master
·         Right mouse click option to create customer note
·         Added Save Layout feature
·         Added first 10 User Defined Fields from the Customer Master
·         Added a column for Customer Home Location
Corrected an issue with incorrect data on comparative P&L’s under certain circumstances.
A copy function has been added to permissions to allow users to copy the permission for one role to multiple locations.
Corrected an issue with the Mobile Phone number not populating on the Supplier Master.
Corrected an issue on Journal Entry Templates when entering data into the memo field.
Added a grid print option to all POINT-OF-SALE documents. To select this print option, right mouse click on the header row of the grid.
Corrected the behavior of the Pre-Fetch Filter for Name on the Supplier List.


Corrected an issue when trying to merge PO’s for the same supplier when one PO was imported from a pick list.
Changed the logic on when the Suggested Stock Order highlights lines in red. Previously, the line highlighted red when there was an open stock order with a quantity greater than the back ordered item but did not consider all of the quantities for the same back ordered item. Now the back ordered line will highlight in red if the total of the back ordered quantities is less than or equal to the total on a stock order.
Added the following new columns to point-of-sale documents where inventory items are sold:
·         Extended Average Cost
·         Gross Profit
·         GP%
·         Extended Replacement Cost
·         RC Gross Profit
·         RC GP %
·         Return Indicator
Also added a footer bar to the grid on these documents to display totals.
Made performance enhancements to speed up processing of the Inventory Count features.
Added a new column to the inventory list for Exclude From Updates. This column will display a check mark for those items that have been flagged for exclusion from price file updates.
The user’s last layout on the Inventory List tab for Prices will now save on the user’s workstation. This tab is seen when clicking on the + next to an item number on the Inventory Items List.
Added two new columns to the Lost Sale Report as follows:
·         List Price
·         Extended List Price
Added a quick add feature to add item numbers (parts) to Purchase Orders and Item Receipts. A new Item Number field is available in the header section of those documents. Input the item number and hit the enter key to auto add an Item Line Type to the document for that item number.
The drop down for Location on the Inventory Master List now includes options for all Companies set up in the system.
Added a column for Price Book to all point-of-sale documents where inventory items can be sold.
Added ability to Import from Picklist to the WG Sales Order and Invoice.
Enhanced the functionality of back orders as follows:
·         Quantity can no longer be edited on Back Order lines on point-of-sale documents
·         Users can no longer permanently delete back order lines from the SSO, the underlying document must be corrected
·         All Suggested Stock Orders will automatically regenerate each time they are opened to eliminate stale / inaccurate data
Added a column to Inventory Count screen for Last Received Date.
Added a function bar to the bottom of the pick list allowing users to sum columns, count rows, etc.
Added right mouse click option to pick list for Quick Add of Inventory Item Master for those items found in a price file catalog.
Added a first row filter to the Pick List grid to allow searching and filtering on each column.
Added a Create Date field to the Metrics Tab of the Inventory Item Master.
Added enhancements to improve performance of the promotional pricing feature.
Added a column to the Purchase Order to display the # of Units in Cost.
Added a right mouse click option to the Suggested Stock Order to “Show Documents”. Selecting this option will open a
tab allowing the user to search activity for the respective item number.
Added new columns to the Purchase Order Detail Report as follows:
·         Price Book
·         Category
·         Group
·         Class
·         The first 10 user defined fields from the Inventory Master


Users can now clock into a Repair Estimate using the systems integrated time clock feature. A check box has been added to the header section of the Repair Estimate titled “Allow Time Entry”. Check this box and the Estimate will show up in the list of Repair Orders / Estimates during the clock in procedure. Converting the Estimate to a Repair Order will move all of the associated time slips to the new Repair Order and will automatically uncheck the “Allow Time Entry” box on the Repair Estimate. The Repair Estimate List includes columns for Open Time Slips, Last Slip Name and Last Slip Time.
In addition, Estimates on the list that have open time slips will now be highlighted on the screen.
Repair Estimates will now calculate labor charges based on the Estimated Hours column on the Labor Tab (it previously used the Billed Hours column). When converting to a Repair Order, the Estimated Hours will copy over to the new document but labor charges will revert to zero since the Repair Order uses the Billed Hours column to calculate labor charges. If you are currently using Repair Estimates, those labor billings will show zero dollars if you have not filled out the Estimated Hours column. To correct this, you will need to open the Estimate, go to the Labor tab and fill in the Estimated Hours column (you should also delete the Billed Hours if you do not want them to copy over to the Repair Order). If you have a large number of estimates that you need to change, please contact customer support and they will arrange for our development team to move the Billed Hours to the Estimated Hours column for you.
The Add/Edit Service Issues pop-up displayed when adding a new service issue to a Repair Order / Estimate has been modified as follows:
·         The Wholegood Components tab from the Wholegood Master is now visible on this pop-up including a check box in the first column to select a specific component associated with the service issue. One and only one component can be selected per service issue. This component can then be seen in your service history reports derived from the Customer Line Item Detail. In addition, the component line will be highlighted red if the component has a warranty expiration date filled out in the Wholegood Master that is within 60 days of the current date.
·         All time slip notes for time slips associated with the respective document are now visible on the pop-up. Users can copy and paste the notes, or portions thereof, into the Fix section of the pop-up.
The service issues tab of the Repair Estimate / Order includes new columns as follows:
·         Total Parts
·         Total Labor
·         Total Misc.
·         Total
·         WG Component Description
Created a new Deleted Items Report. This report lists each item that was deleted from the items tab of a repair order. Select one or All locations and a date range then click on the Fetch button. To find this report, navigate to Reports>Service>Deleted Items.
Added In Service Date to the Wholegood Quick Add pop-up displayed when adding a wholegood to a Repair Order / Estimate.
The document register detail tab on the Repair Order / Estimate will now pre-populate the pre-fetch filter area with the serial number of the WG selected on the general tab of the document. This allows a user to quickly go to this tab, select a date range and click Fetch to see a detailed repair history of the wholegood.
In Service dates on Repair Orders / Estimates will now default to a blank cell (instead of 12/31/9999) when the in-service date is not recorded in the WG Master.
Added a Company Preference to “Use Initiation Date of RO for PM Completion”. To select this option, Navigate to
Company>Company Preferences and click on the Service tab.
Added new print options to print repair orders / invoices with one line for all common Operation Codes. Select the print Labor Summary option when you want all labor hours to be grouped on the document by OP Code.
Attachments on Repair Estimates will now copy over to Repair Orders that are created from the Estimate.
The Service Appointments Calendar has been enhanced with the following new features:
·         Customer name now displays on the Calendar
·         Make and Model now displays on the Calendar
·         Number of open Time Slips now displays on the Calendar
·         Save and Open RO menu option is now available when initiating an appointment
·         Edits on the RO for Customer, Start and End Dates and Wholegood changes will reflect in the Calendar
Selecting Save and New on a repair order will now clear all user defined fields on the new document.
The Service Issue Number now prints on the Repair Order / Estimate.
Corrected an issue with the display of Internal Complaint Types on the Customer Line Item Detail Report.
The Repair Order List now displays Expected Start Time and Expected Completion Time as separate columns.
Changed the wording on the printed Service Invoice for “Total Amount” to “Pay This Amount”.
Renameable fields on the repair order that are set up as Date Type fields now have a time component.
Added 3 new columns to the Customer Sales Report as follows:
·         Service WG Make
·         Service WG Model
·         Service WG SN
The respective values will display for Service Invoices.
Added 6 new columns to the Suggested Stock Order as follows:
·         BSL Qty
·         BSL Override Qty
·         BSL Days
·         BRP Qty
·         BRP Override Qty
·         BRP Days
Added columns to the Repair Order Report as follows:
·         WG Category
·         WG Group
·         WG Class
Added columns to the Repair Order List as follows:
·         Service Description (displays the description of the first service issue on the RO)
·         Service Issue Type (displays the type from the first service issue – Customer, Warranty or Internal)
Repair Orders with open time slips are now highlighted on the Repair Order List.
Users can now add new Makes when doing a quick add of a Wholegood on Repair Orders.
Added an option to require Service Techs to enter a note upon clocking out. To select this option, navigate to Company>Company Preferences and click on the Service Tab.
Added a % discount column to printed repair orders. Note that this data does not print when selecting the print option to combine all common op codes into one line.


The copy to new wholegood feature no longer copies the Last Modified by and date information.
The warning on duplicate serial numbers in the WG Master will now display with each change of the serial number.
Increased the number of fields available on the WG Components tab of the WG Master including 10 user defined fields. To customize your WG Component User Defined Fields, navigate to Wholegoods>Support Lists.
The arrival date in the wholegood master will now auto populate with the document date from an IR Bill when the arrival date is blank and the cost of the wholegood is zero prior to saving the IR Bill.
Added a right mouse click menu option to the WG List to “Add to New Sales Order”. Using this option will open a new sales order with the WG item included. Subsequent uses of this feature will continue to add the WG’s to the newly opened Sales Order.
When searching for Wholegoods from a Sales Order, users can now multi-select line items from the WG List pop-up to add to the Sales Order. To use this feature, open a sales order, click on the Add Wholegood button, populate the WG list, hold the CTRL key and click on the line items you wish to add to your sales order and then click on the Select Button at the top of the WG List.
Users can now double click a line on the Equipment Owned Tab of the Customer Master to open the underlying Wholegood Master.
Added 3 new permissions related to viewing cost of Wholegoods.
Corrected an issue with the time stamp on WG Estimates carrying forward to Sales Order and Invoices.
Corrected an issue with layouts not saving correctly on WG point-of-sale documents.


Corrected an issue with inactive employees displaying on the PTO Report.
Added a 940 Annual FUTA report. To view this report, navigate to Reports>Payroll>Form 941 / Form 940 and click on the Form 940 tab.
Added a new column to the Payroll Detail Report to display Current Employee Name.
Added an option to reprint the Employee pay stub.
The detail memo line from Journal Entries will now display on the Customer Receipt document.
Payment and Deposit Lists now include a column for Reconciliation ID.
Added two new tabs to the Payroll Detail Report – Pivot Grid and Summary.
Corrected a sorting and grouping issue on the Payroll Detail Report related to User Defined Fields.
The Lease Invoice List now displays a column for Memo.


Added 5 new columns to the Wholegood List as follows:
·         Rental Last Invoice Total
·         Rental Last Invoice Customer Name
·         Rental Last Invoice Contract Number
·         Rental Last Invoice Date
·         Rental Last Invoice Number
Added a column to the Customer Line Item detail report to display Rental Period.
Rental contracts can now be set up for generation of recurring rental invoices. Monthly and weekly billing options are available. There is a new check box in the header section of the contract that must be checked. Checking this box will require you to select one of two new rental periods (Recurring – Monthly or Recurring – Weekly) and will make the charges show up on a new screen found by navigating to Rental>New>Recurring Rental Invoice. On this new form you will select your invoice date, select the rental period, select the toggle for Weekly or Monthly and input your current mileage, hours or other variables for the current billing cycle. Select the Contracts you wish to invoice, then click on the Create Invoices menu option. You will have the option to create one invoice per customer or one invoice per contract.
Added 4 new columns to the Rental Contract List as follows:
·         WG Total – displays the pre-tax subtotal of all WG line types from invoices on the respective contract
·         Misc. Total – displays the pre-tax subtotal of all Misc. line types from invoices on the respective contract
·         Sales Tax Total – displays the total of all sales tax from invoices on the respective contract
·         Total Invoice – displays the total of the previous 3 columns
Corrected an issue with Misc. Charges derived from percentages when using the Adjust for Previous Billings feature.
Users can now save attachments to paid rental invoices.
Added a new button next to the In time on the general tab of the rental contract. When clicked, this button will set the In time equal to the Out time.
Overage rates and Fixed Misc. Charges now display 4 decimal places.
Users can now quick add customers from the Rental Contract similar to all other point-of-sale forms.
Added a right mouse click print option to the Invoice History tab of the Rental Contract.
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