2018 April Release Notes







The Alerts Module has been released for beta testing with certain customers.  Users can select certain events in the system to trigger an Alert that can be written to a report or sent to an individual via text or email.  This first beta release has a limited number of Alert Event options including:

·Invoice Total Limit – creates Alert Event any time an invoice is settled for greater than the user’s preset dollar limit for a particular customer

·Document Total Changed – creates Alert Event any time that document total is changed (IR Bill document only at this time – more coming in next release)

·Document Total Limit – creates Alert Event any time a document is saved over the user’s preset dollar limit (IR Bill, Purchase Order and Payment documents)

·AFS Qty Limit – creates Alert Event any time an inventory item’s AFS quantity falls below a user-defined level

·GL Balance Limit – creates Alert Event any time the balance of a General Ledger Account (or group of accounts) goes above or below the user’s preset dollar limit

More Alert Event options will be coming in future releases, such as the ability to message your customer when back ordered parts are received and when service is complete on their equipment.

Corrected an issue on the Tech Productivity Dashboard Widget where Other Hours and Internal Hours were not being displayed correctly.

Added additional Widget options to the Dashboard including: Monthly Expenses for the Past 13 Months

Monthly Expenses for the Past 13 Months by Location / Department Unbilled Labor Hours Aging Graph

MTD Tech Productivity Chart

Last 28 Days Tech Productivity Chart YTD Tech Productivity Chart

Service Work in Process Chart

Accounts Receivable Aging by Document Type

The Summary of Charges section of printed Sales Orders and Repair Orders will now print the amount of any deposit received and the net amount due when using the Create Deposit feature as seen above.

The deposit form and the deposit list now display a document number unique to each deposit.
Removed AR Aging specific columns from the column chooser option on the Accounts Payable Aging Report.
Added a column to the Document Register on the Financial Information Tab of the Supplier Master titled “Payment Reference” to display the check number associated with payment documents.
Added the ability to save layouts on the Accounts Payable Aging.
Added a new report to display the cost and floor plan liability amount associated with wholegoods as of a user- defined date.  To view this new report, navigate to Reports>Wholegoods>Wholegood Inventory Report.  There is an “As Of” date field in the header section of this new report that defaults to the current date.  Select a date, prior to clicking on the Fetch button, to obtain the values as of that date.
Added  a  column  to  the  Accounts  Receivable  Aging  Report  to  display  the  Header  Memo  from  the  associated document.
Added a new report to display the extended cost of your Item Inventory as of a user-defined date.  To view this new report, navigate to Reports>Inventory Items>Item Inventory Reports.  There is an “As Of” date field in the header section of this new report that defaults to the current date.  Select a date, prior to clicking on the Fetch button, to obtain the values as of that date.
Changing the date on Invoice documents (Parts, WG and Service) will no longer initiate a recalculation of the pricing of the line items on the document.
Using the Update Line Item Data on point-of-sale documents will no longer reset misc. charge lines to zero.
Added a new Balance Sheet Grid View report allowing a user to select up to 13 “As Of” dates for custom balance sheets.  To view this report, navigate to Reports>Financial>Balance Sheet Grid View.
Added a column to the Customer Receipts credit grid to display invoice number.
Sales Order Deposits are no longer included in the Sales Tax Detail Report.
Corrected an issue with the Customer Sales Report incorrectly displaying sales tax, total and gross profit amounts for Rental and Lease invoices.
When printing a Profit and Loss Report, the system will now default to Portrait instead of Landscape.
The transaction detail report now defaults to All accounts selected.
Invoices attached to Customer Statements are now in numerical order.
Added a warning pop-up on the save of a Journal Entry if the document date is in a closed accounting period.
The Purchase Order Internal Memo and Supplier Message will show in a pop-up when creating an Item Receipt / Bill for that corresponding Purchase Order.
Clicking the Refresh button on the Pay Bills screen will no longer ignore the user’s due date filter.
Inactive accounts with a zero balance will no longer print on the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Report when the user selects the option to include zero balance accounts.
Added a new permission for editing the Customer Discount fields in the Customer Master.
Added a new permission for accessing the Rental Accounting Tab of the Wholegood Master.
Added a new Company Preference to Enable Individual Customer.  Selecting this option will provide the user with two options when setting up a new customer record:   Company or Individual.   To select this option, navigate to Company>Company Preferences and click on the CRM tab.
The Undeposited Funds pop-up will now save the user’s last layout.
Users will now see a warning message when opening a time slip already opened by another user.
The Fixed Assets list now has an “As Of” date as a Pre-Fetch filter.  This field defaults to the current date, but can be changed to produce a report of the values as of the date selected.
Added a new menu option to the Purchase Order for Edit Memo / Salesman, allowing the user to edit these fields when the document is read-only.
Added a column to the Customer Line Item Detail report to display the Shipping Method.
The  right  mouse-click  Show  Receipts  menu  option  found  on  the  Repair  Order  list  will  now  display  the  receipts associated with both the customer and the warranty customer from the Repair Order.
Added columns to all invoice lists to display the settlement amounts and method.
Added a new drop-down field to the Details Tab of the Supplier Master for Payment Method and included a column to display this value on the Supplier Master list and the Pay Bills screen.
Users can now save layouts on the Purchase Order list.
The Source Document # column of the Invoice List will now display the Sales Order # that generated Sales Order Deposit Invoices.
Added a new column to the Item Inventory list for “Has Notebook” which will display a check if the Item Master has any associated notebook entries.
Last modified by and date are now being captured and displayed on the list layouts maintenance screen.  Navigate to Company>Enterprise>List Layouts.
Added a new checkbox to the General tab of the Customer Master labeled Prospect.  This box is automatically set by the system, users cannot check or uncheck this box.  If the Customer has any invoices in the system, the box will be unchecked, if not, it will be checked.

Added a column to display the Customer Price Level on the following reports:

·CNH Customer Sales History

·Customer Sales Report

·Customer Line Item Detail Report

Corrected an issue where Accounts Receivable line items on a Purchase Order did not update the Customer Account correctly.
Added a Company Preference to suppress the OEM Vendor and OEM Division from POS Documents.
Corrected an issue with inactive Rate Codes showing on the Customer Labor Rate Override.  It will also allow the user to “blank out” a rate if needed.
Added the ability to record foreign currency Gain or Loss within the Item Receipt and Bill Payment.  Additionally, there is now an option to view currency rate changes within the Accounts Payable Aging report.
Wholegood and Parts As Of reports now have the option to Print.
Updated communications with both CNH Industrial and Kubota Tractor Corporation for new infrastructure requirement for TLS 1.2.


This release includes the new CNH CSPS interface that CNH Dealers will need to begin using on January 3, 2018. Training and help documents on this new interface are forthcoming.
Users can now right mouse-click on a line on the Kubota Pre Order Edit pop-up screen to access a new menu option to  Replace  Item  on PO.   Selecting this option will  change the part  number  on  the PO to the new replacing part number.  In addition, if ordering the part for a customer using the back order feature on a sales order or repair order, the system will update the part number on the respective point-of-sale document and add a notebook item to the line on the point-of-sale document indicating that the original part number has been replaced.
Added a new permission – Ability to View Item Cost and Gross Profit on POS Documents.  This permission is checked (granted) by default so that existing users will see no difference.  Removing this permission from a user will hide the cost and gross profit fields from all point of sale documents.
Added a right mouse-click menu option to the grid lines on an IR Bill document to Add Core Charge Offset.  Selecting this option will auto-add a GL line type to the IR Bill using the GL account set up in your location profile  for an amount equal to the extended value of the core charges reflected as a negative amount.  This procedure should only be used when you do not want to pay the supplier the amount of the core charges at the time that you pay the IR Bill.  To select the GL Account to use for this process, navigate to Company>Location Profile>General and click on the Location Accounts tab.  Select the appropriate account from the drop-down titled “Mfg. Deferred Core
Charge Liability.”  Columns were also added to the IR Bill document to display the core cost and the extended core cost.

Added two new columns to display additional sales history to the Item Inventory List as follows:

13 to 24 Month Prev. Quantity

25 to 36 Month Prev. Quantity

When inventory items are allocated from stock orders to a customer order on an IR Bill, the system will now change the original Purchase Order from a customer order to a stock order.  The system will, therefore, no longer create an unnecessary sales order when the original customer order is received.
Added a new tab to the point-of-sale documents to display lines from the main grid that were deleted by a user.
The list of Inventory Counts will now open blank and has options for pre-fetch filters.  We also added an inactive check box to the first tab of the inventory count form.  The list has a filter built in by default to exclude the inactive counts.  To view the inactive counts, uncheck the filter.
Parts included on Internal Service Issue Types on a Repair Order will now be included in sales history calculations.
Corrected an issue in the inventory adjustment document where the QOH display was incorrect in certain instances.
Corrected an issue where mfg. price updates did not update core cost when the Mfg. changed the core cost to zero.
Added a new column to the Suggested Stock Order – On Unapproved PO.
Corrected an issue where adding a supplemental inventory item record was incorrectly changing the Association Type from D to U.
Corrected a rounding issue in the Item Matrix Markup feature that caused incorrect pricing in certain circumstances.
Added a new check box option in the header section of the Item Master for Exclude Core Cost From Automated Price File Updates.  If this box is checked, the price file update process will not affect the core cost.
Added a Wholegood lookup field to the header section of the Parts Counter POS documents, allowing the user to assign the document to a specific Wholegood.  When this field is populated, the Customer Line Item Detail report columns for WG Make, Model, SN, and Fleet # will be populated.
Added a new Company Preference to Allow Editing of Core Price Levels in Item Master.  If this option is selected, the user can set core values for any given price level without having to set the core value for all price levels.  This option, therefore, allows an item to be set up with zero core cost but still charge a customer a core charge.  To select this option, navigate to Company>Company Preferences and click on the Inventory Tab.
Removed the validation rule on the Inventory Adjustment document to not allow a negative resulting quantity.
Items deleted from the Inventory Transfer Dispatch document will no longer display as committed.
Corrected an issue where overriding the Customer Price Level on a POS document was causing incorrect pricing in certain circumstances.
Removed the 100,000 line limit when fetching the Inventory List if the “include catalog” box is not checked.  If the “include catalog” box is checked, the limit remains in place.
The Scan Receipt screen, used in conjunction with the Item Receipt, is now sortable.
Added a column to the Item Inventory list to display Last Sale Date All Locations.
The Inventory Item Metrics report now has a right mouse-click option to Show Documents like that on the Item Master List.
Users can now save layouts on the Lost Sale Report.
Added a column to the suggested stock order screen to display the salesman on POS documents generating back orders.
When manually adding an Item Master, the system will now auto update the Pricing, Stocking and Accounting Source from the Price Book Defaults based on the user’s selection of the OEM Vendor.
Added a column to the Item Inventory list to display a check if the Item Master has any Secondary Identifiers.
Notes added to item lines on POS Documents will now print on the printed version of the Pick List.
Added a new column to the inventory count list to display the Stocking Source.
Added a new column to the Purchase Order Detail Report to display Average Cost of Inventory Items.
Added a new column to the Item Detail Report to display Group Code from the Item Master.

Added new columns to the Item Metrics Report to display:

·Item Code

·Product Code

·Group Code

Made the following changes to the Item Picklist found by navigating to Inventory>Find>Picklist and double-clicking a line on the list:

·Changed the title of the Purchase Cost column to Replacement Cost

·Added a new column to display Extended Replacement Cost

·Added a new column to display Previous 12 Months Qty

·Added a new column to display Previous 12 Months Qty All Locations

The sales history columns will not populate until the user selects a new menu option at the top of the pick list form titled Retrieve Sales History.

Navistar users can now use these new features to compare the DIA suggested return to sales history.

When using the Create>Inventory List Query menu option from the Picklist, the system will now populate the Manual Entry fields found in the header menus of the Item Inventory List.  This will allow a user to do an inquiry, add more columns to the Inventory List and then re-fetch the data for the newly added columns since the item numbers from the picklist will persist in the manual entry grid.
Users will now see the lost sale prompt when voiding Estimates, Sales Orders and Invoices.

Added two new right mouse-click menu options to the grid lines in POS documents as follows:

·Open Item Master – will open a new tab for the item number

·Copy – copies the item number as seen on the screen

The Apply Core Credits pop-up at point-of-sale will now save the user’s last layout.
The Eligible Core Report now has a save layout feature.
Double-clicking a line on the Eligible Core List will now open the underlying document.
The Apply Core Credits pop-up now has a right mouse-click menu option to open the underlying document.
Added a new permission for Inventory Master View Only.
Added a new column to the Item Inventory List to display Previous 12 months Sales Qty – All Locations.
A POS Document will prompt the user for a Serial Number on all Serialized part sales.  During Settlement, the system will then advance to the Settlement screen once a Serial Number has been supplied.
Corrected an issue with Cores being removed or reappearing on the Eligible Core List.  Cores will now be removed from the Eligible Core List once the POS Document is Settled.
Corrected an issue where Pick Lists would not properly handle parts with Number of Units in costs greater than 1.
Added an ability within CSPS to Simulate, modify the Purchase Order and submit the Purchase Order without the need to Simulate after any Purchase Order modifications.
Corrected an issue with CSPS Simulation on core pricing being removed from the total price of the part.
CSPS Buybacks will now populate Bin Locations correctly after submission.
Corrected an issue with an Inventory Adjustment displaying current Quantity On Hand even if the document was backdated.


Added a new drop-down field to the Details Tab of the Customer Master for Labor Rate Override.  Selecting a Labor Rate Code here will override the default rates used on the Repair Order when performing service for this customer.
Corrected an issue with Resources not updating correctly on the Service Appointments Calendar.
The service issue drop-down selection on the item, labor and notes tab of the RO now includes the Issue # and Complaint Type.
Corrected an issue where Service Issue lines were duplicating in certain instances when editing from the Repair Order list using the right mouse-click option.
Corrected a sales tax calculation issue occurring when changing Service Issue Types caused the system to calculate sales tax when it shouldn’t in certain circumstances.
Color labels on the Service Appointments Calendar can now be edited.  To change your labels, navigate to Service>Support Lists>Appointment Labels.
Added a new pre-fetch filter to the Wholegood PM report for Item Name.
Added a memo line when moving a Service Issue to a new Service Estimate or Repair Order to denote the original Repair Order number, date moved and by which user.
Added a Company Preference to not allow the use of the option Add to Wholegood if the unit is Sold.
The Wholegood Invoice Settle to GL option will now populate with the sales order deposit data when applicable.
Added a drop-down for accounting codes to the quick-add trade in pop-up.  The accounting code will default to the WG Accounting code selected as the default in the WG Accounting Code support list.
The Wholegood Estimate status will now be closed and the menu options disabled to convert to Sales Order / Invoice once the Estimate is converted to a Sales Order or Invoice.
Corrected an issue where the system was throwing an error message on the WG Invoice if the Quick Add Trade In feature was used in conjunction with the Settle to GL feature.
Added a new Company Preference – Do Not Auto-Fill Wholegood Arrival Date on Item Receipt.  Selecting this option will stop the system from populating the Arrival Date field in the WG Master with the document date of the Item Receipt used to record the cost of the unit.  To select this option, navigate to Company>Company Preferences and click on the Wholegoods Tab.
Added a customizable Terms and Conditions section to the printed WG POS documents.  To customize this section, navigate to Company>Location Profile>Forms Printing and click on the Custom Printed Form Wording tab.
Added a new field in the Wholegood Master for Added to Lease/Rental Date.
There is now a Company Preference to require “New” or “Used” when adding a new Wholegood.  The system will default to “Used” if the Wholegood is added through the Quick Add Wholegood pop-up.
Added a new report for Pilot Testing to allow users to review and edit miles and hours on a Lease or Rental unit over a user-selected date range.  The report will then display Revenue and Expense per mile over that specified period of time.


Added a new feature to the Rental Contract to allow a user to override the accounting codes tied to the wholegoods on the contract.  This override will be in place for that contract only and will not change the codes tied to the wholegood master.  To use this feature, click on the new menu option at the top of the rental contract

labeled “Override Accounting”.

The updating of rental rates using a Rental Rate Template has been enhanced.  The misc. charges section of the template now includes a column for the location of the misc. charge.  Each location that will rent that unit will need to have its own unique misc. charge as they all have unique GL accounting.  When using the Update Wholegoods feature on the rate template, the system will auto update the rate grid in each wholegood master as it always has, however, the update process will now only add any new or edit any existing misc. charges.  It will no longer delete any misc. charges that were manually added to the wholegood master after applying the template. Finally, there is a new check box option in the WG master on the Rental Rates Tab to Exclude From Rate Updates. This will allow you to use a rate template when setting up a new WG in the rental fleet but choose not to receive future updates as you make changes to that template.
Corrected an issue where Never Taxable misc. charges were creating sales tax on Recurring Rental Invoices.
Corrected a display issue on the Rental Invoice History Tab created when lines were deleted from the contract.
Using the Select All option on the Recurring Rental Invoice screen will now only select those lines that are visible and exclude any lines that have been filtered out.
Changing the in or out date on a Rental Contract will no longer cause the Quantity to revert back to 1.
Corrected an issue with Recurring Rental that would always show an email notification even if Auto-Email was not configured.


Added pay rate to pay stubs.
Added a new Company Preference to submit Payroll Direct Deposit ACH Credits Only.  To select this option, navigate to Company>Company Preferences and click on the Payroll tab.
Updated the 941 Report for 2018.
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