2019 December Release Notes






FUTA and SUTA year-end roll over dates were corrected.
The payments list now populates with the “Pay to the Order of” name instead of the Supplier name.  In addition, user can now save layouts on this list.
Added columns to the Customer Sales Report to display the method in which the invoice was settled.
The wholegoods and item inventory “As Of” reports now include the ability to save layouts.   In addition, the wholegoods report now includes a column for New/Used.
Corrected an issue with custom forms when user has more than one custom form for the respective document type.
Added 10 more renameable fields to the header section of POS documents.
Printed POS document will now print the 3-digit location code as a prefix in front of the document numbers.
Added features to the 1099 process to assist in managing and reporting 1099 vendors.
Corrected an issue related to the calculation of Additional Medicare.
Inactive time entry tasks are no longer visible in the time entry task lookup.
Save, Save and Close and Save and New are now on the main menu line on the IR Bill document.
Adjusted the printing of the check stub.
Added a new column to the Transaction Detail Report to display “Net Amount”.
Added a new right mouse-click menu option labeled “Filter Mode” to certain lists (right mouse-click on the column header).  This new option gives user the ability to switch from filter mode “Value” to filter mode “Text” enabling the filtering options on a numeric column to behave like a text column.


Performance enhancements were made to the Item Metrics Report.
The company preference to exclude OEM vendor on printed PO’s now extends to the grid print of that document.
The PO internal memo now carries forward to the IR document when the PO is imported.

Added the following columns to the Suggested Order list: Previous 12 months bin trips

Previous 12 months bin trips all locations Previous 12 months Sales Qty all locations

When viewing the inventory items list with all locations selected, each location will now use its respective pricing source.
User is now able to merge sales history when the Mfg cost of the item is zero.
The Item Detail Report now correctly displays the “Added By” value for all document types.
Corrected a printing issue related to item serial numbers when user has edited the field on POS docs prior to printing.
Transfer status on the IR Bill is now editable after the overall status of the document is Partial or Closed.
Corrected various bugs related to inventory transfer dispatch and receipt work flow.
Performance enhancements were made to the IR Bill document.
Added a parts order export for Honda parts.
Removed the company preference to Auto Save sales orders after adding each line.  Changed the methodology for calculating qty committed such that qty committed is updated as part lines are added or edited to a document without having to save the document. Added a new right mouse-click menu option to the inventory items list to “Recalculate Qty Committed”.


Corrected an issue related to returning customer deposits on Repair Orders.
Added a printing option to the Service Calendar.
The grids in the WG Master tab, Transaction History, now include a column for Service Type.
Pilot release of K-Warranty Interface.
Added a new check box to the header of an RO labeled “Do Not Commit Parts”.  Checking this box will exclude all parts on the RO from the committed quantities.


User will no longer receive a duplicate serial number warning on the WG Journal when the serial number is blank.
User can now highlight and copy the WG serial number from the Customer Owned Equipment tab of the Customer Master.
MSRP is now an editable field on the WG POS documents.  Editing this field will not update the respective WG Master.
Added a field to the WG Master and the WG List to display “Created By”.
Added gross profit percentage to the WG Sales Report.
The recently added columns on the WG List displaying Mfg Cost, Projected Profit and Projected Markup are now tied to the permission to view WG Cost.  These values will not display unless the user has this permission.
User can now update select data elements of the WG Master from an Excel spreadsheet.
Added a new tab to the WG POS documents “Sales Worksheet” to aid user in determining the total profitability on a sales quote. Please contact customer support for training if you wish to use this feature.

Added the following new columns to the WG POS documents:

Mfg Cost

Estimated PDI Adjustments

Est Trade in Sales Price

Adjusted Gross Profit

Adjusted GP %

Open Repair Orders

These new columns are used in the new Sales Worksheet tab mentioned above.

User can now update the Physical Location field in the WG Master as part of the workflow when doing a WG Count using WinNetStar Mobile Apps.
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