Recurring Payments and Recurring Journal Entries

For journal entries and payments that are basically the same each time with perhaps the exception of the amounts, you can create templates to make the entering of these documents easier.  First you want to go to Company > Find > Document Template.  Here you will find the existing templates and also where you add new ones.

Click the Add New button in the upper left of the screen and choose whether you are creating a Journal Entry or Payment.  Click OK to select your option.

If you choose Journal Entry, the screen below will appear.  Enter the Template Name.  If you have template groups set up (Company > Company Support Lists > Template Groups) specifying the type of template, you can select that under the Template Group.  Otherwise leave it blank.  If you want to enter a Memo that will appear on each journal created with this template, enter it in top memo field.  Then you will enter the GL accounts and amounts into the template just like you would for a regular journal entry.  Once you have your journal complete, click the Save and Close button.

When you are ready to create a journal entry from this template, you will check the Select box on the left and choose either Create and Save Selected Documents or Create Selected Documents.  Do not double click on the template or all you will be doing is making changes to the template.  If you click the Create and Save option, you will not be given a chance to edit your journal on this screen.  It will just create and save the document as is.  If you need to make changes, you would then have to find the new document and edit it.

If you choose the Create Selected Document option then the new journal entry will show on the screen and give you the option of making changes.  Once all changes have been made, click the Save and Close button.

If you choose Payment as your template type, the screen below will appear.  Give it a Template Name and Template group (if groups are being used). Fill out the remainder of the payment as if you were creating a new payment.  Once complete, choose Save and Close.

As with the journal entry above, when you are ready to create the document, click the select box and choose the Create option to create the document.  With Payment documents, you must choose the“Create Selected Document”.  If you choose the other option, you will be given a message that this type of save cannot be used with payments.

Upon clicking the Create button, the payment screen will appear with the information from the template.  Any of this information can be changed prior to printing the check.  When all information is correct, click the Save and Print Check option.

Enter your starting check number, select the check(s) you want to print and click the Print button to print the checks.

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