Soft Accounting Close

To lock the GL so that documents and entries cannot be posted without the proper permission you can institute a soft close.  Only those with the permission to make entries into a soft closed period are allowed to do so. Soft closes can be added and removed, unlike a hard close which is permanent.  Average costing adjustments will still occur in soft closed months.

To run a soft close go to: Company > New > Accounting close

In the soft close date field, choose the date through which you wish to apply this soft close.

Click the "Save Soft Close" button.

You will receive a message asking if this close is what you are intending to do. Click Yes if everything is correct. Click No to begin again.

The soft closed period will show in the "Fiscal Periods" section, highlighted in red.

If you need to delete the soft close, click on the Delete Soft Close button. There are no further prompts after clicking this button.

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