2023 January Release Notes v1427-1496






WNS now has an option for a Customer Portal.  This is a browser-based application where your customers can view the detail of their unpaid balance and make a payment on their account using an ACH transaction.  Customers can also view detailed purchase history and open orders.  Using the customer portal requires a relationship with Gravity Payments for processing ACH transactions.  If you are interested in adding this new module, please contact Bill Young at 210-202-0342 to schedule a demo.

Enhanced the Pay Bills process to improve overall performance of this function.  Users will see two sub-menu options under the main Suppliers menu option as follows:

Pay Bills – this is the new method that now opens blank.  Users must use the Supplier Lookup button to select the suppliers they wish and then proceed with the normal workflow of paying bills.

Pay Bills (Legacy) – this is the old method that has not changed.

Users with large numbers of open and partial bills to pay will find that the new method is more performant.

Corrected an issue in the Kubota Invoice Download list where the wrong invoice was printing in certain circumstances.
Corrected several French Language display issues.
Added a new Company Preference titled “Do Not update Salesperson on POS documents with Salesperson on Customer Master”.  To select this option, navigate to Company>Company Preferences and click on the General tab.
Added a column to the A/R Aging report to display the Customer PO #.
Added a column to the Purchase Order to display Package Multiple.
Performance enhancements have been made to the IR/Bill list.
Added a pre-fetch filter to the IR/Bill list for Liability Account.  Using this filter will enhance the performance of the list.
The customer’s default payment method (if set up in the customer master) will now display on parts, wholegood and service documents when the user hits the F9 button on the keyboard.
Corrected several French display issues.
Updated the Remit To address for CNH CC transactions.

Added two new columns to the AR Aging to display the following: Statement Email

Customer System ID

Added a Refresh menu option to the Customer Receipt document.
Added a filter row to the GL Accounts drop down in the Fixed Asset master.
Added a right mouse click option to the AR Aging to Print Invoice and Email Invoice
Increased the display size of various pop ups throughout the system to allow users to view more data by default.
Corrected an issue where the check number was not displaying on the Undeposited Receipts report for Rental Invoices.
Added Business Email to the email feature on point-of-sale documents.
Corrected various display issues in the Dashboard.
Added new columns to the AP Aging and the IR Bill List to display the supplier payment method.
Corrected an issue on the time slip list where it was reverting to the default layout after each Fetch

Added two new tabs to the Customer Receipt document as follows: Document Register

Customer Master

Added a column on the Time Slip list to display the location of the Repair Order.
When users initiate a Sales Order from the Customer Console, and that Sales Order is saved and closed, the system will no longer revert back to a New Sales Order.  It will now revert back to the Customer Console.
Corrected an issue when using the Save and New menu option on an IR Bill where the new document was read only under certain circumstances.
Using the Copy to New IR feature will now create the new copy with a status of Open when copying a Closed IR.
Corrected several French display issues.
Added a new column to the timeslip list to display Employee Ref ID.
Corrected an issue with the display of the Supplier Reference ID on the Supplier Aging.
Added a new tab to the point-of-sale documents to display the customer’s CRM Event history.
Corrected a display issue that occurred when adding a new contact to a customer master.
Corrected a display issue with the 2022 940 form.


Wholegood Packing slip now prints the net quantity (total quantity less sold quantity).
Corrected an issue related to sorting of date columns on the wholegood master list.


Added a new feature for CNH eWarranty lookup.  To access this new feature, perform a right mouse click on a CNH wholegood on the Wholegood List.
Corrected an issue where the sales tax override was not working correctly for Warranty Customers on a Repair Order.
The previous pop-up message when closing or settling a Repair Order that warned of back ordered parts and unbilled labor has now been split into two separate pop ups, one for each issue.
Corrected an issue with custom service forms where certain data was not printing.


Added a column to the Item Detail Report to display Transfer Status.
Corrected an issue on the sales order document where changing the customer was not forcing a recalculation of sales tax.

Added a new Company Preference titled “Require Priority for Back Orders and Drop Ships”.  To select this option, navigate to

Company>Company Preferences and click on the Inventory tab.

Added a right mouse click Copy option to the Document Register Detail tab on point-of-sale documents and the Transaction Details tab of the Customer Master to allow users to copy a part number.
Added a new prompt when inactivating a part number to “Inactivate at all Locations”.
Added a column to the Purchase Order to display Quantity on Order.
When copying a part master record from one location to another, the system will now establish a beginning average cost at the new location.
Corrected a display issue related to tax on backordered parts in the lower left of the parts point-of-sale documents.
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