2023 August Release Notes v1496-1524





Lease and Rental


Added a new feature to auto create CRM Event documents when WG Invoices and or Service Invoices are settled.  Use this feature when you want to assign an individual the responsibility of following up with the Customer at some point after the completion of a transaction.  Users can create templates for these CRM Events with standard Titles and Notes to be assigned to the Salesman, the Service Writer or any employee in the organization with one or more follow up dates.  To create a new template, navigate to Company>Enterprise Support Lists>Auto Create CRM Event.
Corrected an error occurring when a filter was included in the Auto Filter Row prior to selecting the Fetch option on the Accounts Payable Aging.
Integration with AGCO Ecommerce has been added.
Corrected an issue where the year was not printing on 1099’s.
Corrected an issue where, under certain circumstances, the sales order was being sent with customer statements instead of the invoice.
Corrected a filtering issue on the Transaction Details tab of the Customer Console.
Added a new tab to the Purchase order to display the Supplier Master.
Added a “Send Email” menu option to the Purchase Order that is available once the Purchase Order has been Saved and Approved.
Corrected an issue where users were able to add an inactive Supplier to Purchase Order and IR Bill.
Corrected an issue where the printed PO was not displaying the entire PO number in certain circumstances.
Corrected an issue where inactive payment methods were displaying on the Customer Receipt document.
Corrected an issue where the wrong detail memo line was displaying on the Pay Supplier Statement form when originating from a Journal Entry.
Added columns to display “QOH” and “AFS” to the Purchase Order Detail Report.
Users can now Flag a main tab for future reference or to highlight a particularly important tab they have open within the system.  Right mouse click on a main tab to see the menu option “Flag”.  Clicking this will place a red flag in front of the description of the tab.  Remove the flag by performing another right mouse click and selecting the menu option again, or simply close the tab.
Integration with the CNH Data Exchange Program (DEP).  A new tab has been added to the Repair Order titled “CNH DEP”. Under this tab you will find sub tabs to display information regarding warranty, engine faults, telemetry, and SRT codes for the CNH equipment on the repair order.  Users can also right click on the WG master list to see a new menu option, “CNH eWarranty Vehicle Lookup.”  Clicking on this option will produce a pop-up with warranty information about the equipment.  If you wish to participate in this integration, please contact customer support.
Added a column to the CNH Customer Sales History report to display “Business Email”.
Added a column to the Customer Sales Report to display “Business Phone”.
Changed the default value for the Location drop down on the Document Register Detail to “All”.
Hitting the Enter key will now perform a Fetch on the Notes Receivable List.


The System ID pre-fetch filter on the WG’s list now works using OR logic in conjunction with the other pre-fetch filter drop downs.  For instance, if you use the System ID as your pre-fetch filter and you also select Sales Status of Sold, the system will return the WG even when the Sales Status is other than Sold.
Added the field for Wholegood Year to custom forms.
The WG Sales Order Deposit Invoice will no longer be voidable once the underlying sales order is converted to an invoice.
Added a column to display “Fleet Number” on the Equipment Owned tab of the Customer Master.
The users last selection in the Pre-Fetch filter for Sales Status is now recalled by the system the next time the list is opened.


Added mouse scroll wheel functionality to the Items tab of the Repair Order.
Corrected an issue with printing Available Resources from the Service Calendar.
Wholegood makes and models are now cached on your local machine and read from cache for all forms that require that data.  We have removed the ability to add new makes and models from the drop-down list and replaced this with a new menu option within the WG master and the Quick Add WG pop-up titled “Make/Model”.  Clicking on this new menu option will allow you to add new makes and models as before.  We have also added a new menu option to the WG list to “Refresh Makes/Models”.  This menu option will refresh the cache on your workstation.
The Open Documents pop-up seen on point-of-sale documents now distinguishes between Repair Order and Service Estimate.


Added a right mouse click option to Copy the part number on the suggested order tab of the Suggested Stock Order.
Click on the Print menu option on a sales order to see a new sub-menu option for “Pick List Using Layout”.  Hover over this new sub-menu option to see a list of saved layouts allowing users to more quickly and easily print a picklist.
Added a right mouse click option to the footer of the parts sales documents to allow the user to add a sum, count, min or max value to the footer.
Added a new column in the Inventory Master List to display “First Transaction Date”.
Added a column on the Picklist to display “Qty on Order”.
Added the ability to save layouts on Picklists.
Added columns to the Inventory Count to display “Category”, “Group”, “Class” and “Serialized”.
Last Modified By and Last Modified Date are now updated with updates from the Excel import feature.
Added a column to display “Is Updated” to the Catalog Activity Report indicating that the update has occurred for the identified location.
Added a column to the Price File Variance pop-up to display “QOH”.
Multi select and delete is now available on the Items tab of the Repair order and on the Sales Order.  To select multiple lines, hold down the Ctrl key and click the desired lines.
Added a new field in the header section of the Inventory Adjustment document to allow users to key in a part number and hit the enter key to add the part to the document.
Added columns to the Customer Line Item Detail Grid View report to display “AFS” and “QOO”.
Added the ability to save layouts on the Item Inquiry screen.
Corrected an issue where clicking on the Update Line Item Data menu option was changing the quantity on miscellaneous changes to 1.

Lease and Rental

Added the Send Email menu option to Lease Invoices and Rental Contracts.
Inactive Wholegood Categories will no longer display in the Rental Calendar Category drop down.
Added a refresh button to the Rental Calendar.
Added a column to the Rental Utilization report to display “Fixed Asset Original Cost”.
Increased the available number of digits past the decimal for Miscellaneous Charges.
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