Customer Portal Configuration
The Customer Portal is a module that is now available for all dealers. The portal allows your customers to log into their account online and view all open Accounts Receivable Invoices, make payments on account, and review Account History, Purchase History, Invoice Details, Open Orders, and Equipment.
Once you have signed up for the Customer Portal, you will need to configure your settings and invite your customers to sign up.
Setting up the Customer Portal
- Contact RIMSS to add the module.
- Once you have a signed addendum with RIMSS, we will add your company (or companies) in the online tool and provide you with Administrator credentials for logging in.
- If you want to accept Credit Card Payments and/or ACH payments through the portal, you will need to contact Gravity Payments to set up an EmergePay account.
- If you already have an EmergePay account, you may be able to use the existing account and add ACH payments to the agreement.
- Once you have your EmergePay Credentials, RIMSS will configure your dealership in the Portal.
- Notify RIMSS if you are accepting ACH payments and/or Credit Card payments online. We will need both sets of credentials if you plan to accept both methods of online payment.
- Invite your customers to the portal.
- To invite your customers to create an account on the portal, it is essential to have a valid email address configured in any contact on the customer master.
- Log into the portal and access Dealer Administration. Within the drop-down menu labeled "Select Dealer," you may select the specific company you are managing. If you are overseeing only one company, it will automatically populate in the field.
- When filtering and retrieving customers to invite to the portal, you have the option to add a customer name into the designated field. This is particularly helpful when dealing with a large customer list, as it helps reduce retrieval time. Once you have applied the filter, simply click on "Retrieve" to pull up the list.
You have post-retrieve filters to further filter your list of customers. You can type into the post-retrieve filters and click enter to filter to specific text. For drop-down filters, you can choose the option from the list to filter the list.
- Once your customer list is populated, right-click on the line item for the customer to invite. You may see the customer listed more than one time if you have multiple locations. You can right-click on either line for the invitation. In the menu that drops down, click to "Initiate Portal Invite".
After clicking to initiate a portal invite, you will receive a pop-up showing all available email addresses for the invite. Click the selection box on the left side of the pop-up for the email address of choice and click OK. You will see "Processing" at the top of the screen as the invitation is updated and/or sent.
If this is a new invitation for a new email address, the customer will receive an invitation via email to set up their account on the portal. If the customer has already accepted an invitation for the selected email address, the new company will be displayed on their existing account the next time they log in. Below is an example of the email invitation sent.
Once an invitation has been sent, the Dealer Administration portal will show the Last Time Invited date and the status of the account activation and email confirmation.
After the account is activated, the portal will show if the email is confirmed and the account is active.
To maintain the list within the portal, you can right-click on a customer to inactivate an account that was previously set up for access. You can also re-activate an inactive portal account. These changes do NOT update the customer's active/inactive status within RIMSS.