Updating Sales Tax Rates

Sales tax is charged using a sales tax group (Company > Sales Tax > Sales Tax Groups).  Each sales tax group is comprised of one or more sales tax items.  As you can see below, the NC Martin County tax Group is made up of two items, a state item and a county item.  There may also be a local or city item involved. These sales tax items are not maintained by Rimss.  If your sales tax changes, these sales tax item records must be manually updated. Once you determine the items that need to be updated proceed to Company > Sales Tax > Sales Tax Items.

Once you get to the sales tax item you wish to change, double click to bring it up.  You will notice in the example below, when the rate changes, you don’t just go in and change the rate.  You must add a new rate with an “As Of Date” equal to the effective date of the new rate. If you are aware of a new rate that will be effective at a future date, you can enter this item with the new effective date and it will not charge the new rate until this date is met.  In my example below, my new rate becomes effective 3/1/2017 so I entered the rate with the future effective date. When your changes have been made, hit OK.

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