2016 January Release Notes


The system will now save manual edits to W2’s as they are being made so that you can leave the screen and come back to it and finish later.  A new menu option was added to Regenerate the W2 data if you wish to start over.
Added a new column to the Payroll detail report to display the Current Employee Name.  The original column for Employee name continues to be available in the report and displays the historical name on the paycheck.  The Current Employee Name will display the name as it is currently in the Employee master.  This is helpful when grouping data by the name in those cases where the employee’s name has changed in the master record.
When creating the electronic file for W2 processing, the W3 data will now pop up in a Notepad window for users to view, print or save.
The system will now print your 940.  To access this report navigate to Reports/Payroll/Form 941/940.  You will now see a new tab for the 940.
Printing format for 1099’s was editing to accommodate changes in that form for 2015.
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