2015 Summer Release Notes








Users can now edit existing saved Layouts on their lists.  To edit a layout, first select the layout you want to edit, make any changes you wish, then select the save layout menu option.  The system will ask you if you wish to create a new saved layout or update the existing layout.  You will also have the opportunity to re-name the saved layout during this process.
Users can no longer void invoices where the settlement proceeds have been included on a deposit document.

We have changed the business rules associated with posting accounting entries to accounts referenced to Wholegoods. The system will now allow posting of any entry to any Wholegood ID regardless of the accounts set up in the Wholegood Master and regardless of the sales status of the Wholegood.  Users will see warnings pop up on their screen if they are posting to an account that is inconsistent with the Wholegood’s setup or current status.  Clicking on the OK button to continue after the warning is permission based so that you can control who has this ability.  With this change, users can now have dollars in more than one account referenced to the same Wholegood.  This can be good and bad, so we suggest that you give this permission to users who understand the consequences.

Warning messages are as follows:

GL Warning

“The GL Account selected does not match the currently assigned GL Account of the Wholegood.  Do you wish to continue?”

Status Warning

“The Sales Status on this Wholegood is either Sold or N/A.  This indicates that you do not own this Wholegood.  Do you wish to continue?”

Warning messages appear based on the following combinations of Wholegood Sales Status and Account Class of the General Ledger Account used:

Users can no longer edit the document date on an IR/Bill document if the status of the document is anything other than Open.  If the bill is paid or partially paid, the document date can no longer be changed.
When removing Document Locks, users can now select multiple lines for removal.  Hold the Ctrl Key down to select multiple lines then right mouse click to “Remove Lock”.
Added a Group Expand option to the Customer Line Item Detail Report.  This option is available when you right mouse click on a grouped data element and will expand just the selected group (as opposed to the Expand All feature).

On certain lists and reports, users will now see the following message after clicking on the Fetch button:   “

Retrieving Data.  You may work on other tasks while you are waiting

.”  If you see this message, you may move to another tab, open a new tab from a new menu item, or close the existing tab to cancel the report.

Corrected an issue with deleting a line off of an Item Receipt / Bill document that would, in certain circumstances, void the document.
You now have the option to set up your customers to receive automatic emails of invoices at the time of settlement. This applies to all invoice types within the system.  Setup the customer email addresses by invoice type on the Details tab of the Customer Master.  Your server will need configuration with an email account to use when sending the messages.  If you would like to sign up for this feature, please call Bill Young at 210-202-0342 for pricing and scheduling your configuration.
Added the detail line memo from the Payment Document to the Transaction Detail Report.
Added a new menu option on the Payment document to Save and Print Check.  This will save the payment and open the print checks tab with the appropriate information pre-filled for quickly printing the check.
Added a field to the Print Checks tab to display the last check number used.
Added a new feature to the Journal Entry document to allow quick entry of data.  To use this feature, you must assign a Shortcut ID to the GL accounts you wish to use.  Shortcut ID’s are maintained in the chart of accounts.  Right mouse click on an account in the chart of accounts and select the Modify option.  You will see a new field for Shortcut ID.  Enter any alpha-numeric value you want to use for your shortcut.  You can then enter this Shortcut ID in the designated field at the top of the JE document, hit the Enter Key, enter the amount (positive for debit, negative for credit), hit the Enter Key, enter the System ID of any required reference, and hit the Enter Key to enter the line to the JE.  This process eliminates the requirement to lookup account numbers and references when those values are already known.  In addition, you can still add lines to the JE document the same way you always have.
The account balance field no longer displays in the header section of the Deposit document.
Grouping data is now allowed on the Pay Bills screen.  Corrected the issue where the first line was duplicated when data was grouped.
Column widths now save as part of your saved layout.
Ability to Save Layouts was added to the IR/Bill list.
Checked items on the undeposited funds pop-up remain checked when going back in to view those items prior to saving the Deposit document.
Added a Company Preference option to Require Supplier Reference ID on IR/Bill documents.  To select this preference, navigate to Company>Company Preferences and click on the Inventory tab.
If the Expected Delivery Date is blank on the Purchase Order document, it will now be blank on the printed PO as well.
The Pre-Conversion History report now has additional Pre-Fetch filter options.  In addition, the wild card search (*) option has been added to all of these fields.
Journal Entry lines that include only an account number with no dollar amount will no longer save as part of the document.
Word wrapping has been disabled in the check stub remittance to eliminate printing alignment issues.
Corrected several issues with the printing of P&L reports in comparative format.
Added numerous shortcut key stroke options.  These can be seen next to the menu options that they initiate.
Added an option to the Time Slip list Pre-Fetch filter for date to use either the Clock In Date or the Clock Out Date.
The Wholegood tab on point of sale documents will now retain the user’s last columns selected.
Corrected an issue with the ability to Void certain documents after an accounting close.
Added a pop-up warning message when saving a time slip with negative hours.
When setting a company preference for customer price level, the system will now set that price level for the customer at all locations when the new customer record is created.  It previously only used the preference value at the location where the customer was created.
Made numerous changes to the Budget Module to improve speed and ease of review and editing.  The limitations encountered in importing and exporting large files has been addressed.  In addition, users can now create budget to
actual reports for partial months and the system will do a pro-rata calculation of the budget amount based on the number of days in the partial month.
The attention line from the Purchase Order document will now print on the PO.
Added a print option to the Balance Sheet to include zero balance accounts.
The Employee List and Time Slip List now display the employee name with last name first.
The wild card search (*) now works in the Item Number field of the Purchase Order Detail report.
When inactivating an employee, the system will now ask the user if they wish to inactivate the employee at all locations.
Changed the display of Wholegood references created from JE documents to be consistent with all other documents.
Supplier Bill to Address now has an option to set up a Pay to the Order of Name different than the Supplier Name to be used when printing checks.
Corrected an issue with an incorrect sign in the sales tax detail for entries from the IR Bill document.
Added a new report to display Customer Purchase Orders.  To find this report, navigate to Reports>Customers and click on Customer Purchase Orders.
Added a right mouse click menu option to Show Receipts to the Invoice lists. Clicking this option will open a new tab to display a list of customer receipt documents used to apply payments to the invoice if applicable.  Double click on the customer receipt line to open a tab for that document and review the details.
Allocation tables can now be used at time of transaction entry on IR Bill documents.  To use this new feature, open a new IR Bill and click on the new menu option to Add Allocation Line Items.  You will be prompted to select an allocation table then to input an amount to be allocated.
The Pay Supplier Statement form now has a first row filter.
Corrected an issue printing remittance advices on certain payment types.
Purchase Orders can now be created from negative quantity pick lists.


Removed several of the restrictions on the Inventory Adjustment document to make it more flexible.  Users are now able to make more types of adjustments including creating negative inventory.  This change solves issues some were having with adjusting average cost of an inventory item, as well as problems some were having with the Parts Builder function not creating the inventory adjustment in certain circumstances.
Added a column to the Inventory point of sale documents titled Print Order.  Users can input the sorting sequence in this column to re-order the lines on the document.
Made several changes to the Inventory Transfer Dispatch and Receipt process.  Dispatch documents with a status of Open are now included in the calculation of Quantity Committed, reducing your Available For Sale quantities.  There is no longer a restriction on the transfer of items back and forth during the same accounting period.  Added a memo column to the detail grid lines of the Inventory Transfer Dispatch and Receipt documents.  After an item is transferred from one location, if the average cost of the item at the sending location changes, the system records the difference to the cogs account associated with the revenue account set up in the accounting source for the item.  Receipts that have a status of open now remain editable after an accounting close, so that they can be received in the current accounting period.
Packing slips can now include notes and logos.
Added a column for Weight to the Inventory Item list.
Corrected an issue where back-ordered items were not updating Repair Orders if another user had the Repair Order open at the time the item was received.
Corrected an issue with the recently added feature allowing users to create credit invoices from the original invoice where the core charge line quantity was incorrectly created as a positive number.
The point of sale documents where inventory items are sold (parts counter, wholegood tickets and service documents) have been upgraded with the option of saving a layout for the grid portion of the document.  To select the Save Layout feature, right mouse click on any column header in the grid.  This is beneficial to those wishing to print pick lists that have fewer columns needed.  Save a Layout with your pick list columns then simply switch to this layout prior to printing your pick list.  After printing, select the default layout, or any other layout you have saved for your normal daily use.


Corrected a display issue with miles and hours in the Preventive Maintenance system.
The Service Scheduling Module is now complete.  It has changed substantially from the version previously released for beta testing.  This module allows you to schedule service employees, service bays, and specialized equipment needed for certain jobs and can be used to initiate a Repair Order.  It includes numerous calendar views and resource views to assist you in managing your service department resources.  If you would like pricing information or would like to schedule a demo, please contact Bill Young at 210-202-0342.
Corrected an issue with duplication of service issues when using the right mouse click to edit the service issue from the repair order list.


Added a column to the WG point of sale documents titled Print Order.  Users can input the sorting sequence in this column to re-order the lines on the document.
Corrected issues with Pre-Fetch filters on the Wholegood Sales report.


The direct deposit ACH file will no longer allow checks less than or equal to zero.
Corrected an issue with the display of PTO remaining in the employee master.


Corrected an issue with settling rental invoices using fleet charge credit.
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