2015 January Release Notes







Added two new columns to the Customer Line Item Detail Report to display the Revenue Account and the Cost of Goods Sold Account used in recording the sale.
Corrected several issues related to the Header and Detail Memo data displaying on the Reconciliation form and transaction register.

The Customer Receipt document has always had a Write Off feature allowing you to write off bad debts or small underpayment amounts.  When entering this amount in the document, the system would automatically change the number to a negative amount if the user input a positive number.  This no longer occurs, allowing the user to easily handle adjustments that need to be positive for those cases when you receive a small overpayment.  If you wish to do a write off, you MUST enter the amount as a negative number.  If you want to adjust for an overpayment, you can now enter a positive number.

Both positive and negative adjustments continue to go to the Bad Debts Expense account.

A new feature has been added allowing users to edit the Expected Delivery Date on a Purchase Order. To access this feature, right mouse click on the document from the Purchase Order List.
Corrected an issue with certain user defined fields not displaying correctly on the Customer Line Item Detail Report and on the Employee List.
Added a column to the Transaction Detail Report to display Invoice Number.
Users can now print the Customer Aging from the Financial Tab of the Customer Aging.
The drop down of Bank Accounts on the Print Payroll Checks form no longer displays inactive accounts.
The drop down for Fixed Asset Account in the pre-fetch filter area of the Fixed Asset List now only displays Fixed Asset Type Accounts that are referenced to Fixed Assets.
Added a right mouse click option to insert a line into a Journal Entry and Journal Entry Document Template.
The Customer Line Item Detail Report now displays Make and Model for Trade-Ins and Rental Invoices.
Added the ability to use the Enter key to initiate a Fetch (instead of clicking on Fetch.)  Note, there are some areas that still require the user to click on Fetch.
Users can now associate multiple Customer Master records together to obtain one Customer Statement for the combined transactions of all Customers in the associated group.  To use this feature, you must first select a Customer Master to be the Parent or Master Statement.  The system will use this name and address for the statement.  You will then click on the Statement Consolidation Tab within the Customer Master and check the box for Master Statement.  You will then be able to Add Sub-Accounts to the master to create the associated group.  At Statement run time, you will see each customer in the group; however, you will only be able to select the Master Account for statement processing.  This Master statement will include all of the activity for the statement period for all associated customers.
Users can now select the Sales Tax Payable account on GL Lines on an IR/Bill document.
Added a new feature to allow users to view only their time slips.  To access this feature, navigate to Employees>Find>My Time Slips.  Users can then enter their Employee ID and a date range to view a list of their time slips.
Users can now create Purchase Orders with negative quantities.
When creating Finance Charges, users can leave the lines with amounts less than or equal to zero checked and the system will ignore those lines.
Added a Company Preference to Require at Least 1 Line to Save/Approve Purchase Order.  To select this preference, navigate to Company>Company Preferences and click on the Inventory Tab.
Users can now save attachments on Non-Recurring Lease Invoices after they have been settled.
The Depreciation Journal no longer includes inactive Fixed Assets.


Added a column to the Wholegood List to display the Trade-In Salesman - that is, the salesman on the WG Invoice where the Trade-In was acquired.
Added a column to the Wholegood Sales Report to display the customer PO number.
Added a column to the Wholegood list to display Billing Customer.
The Wholegood Journal List now opens blank, waiting for a user to enter pre-fetch filter data.
Data entered into the detail memo field of Invoices that were settled using the Settle to GL method now display in the detail memo section of the grid on the Cost tab of the Wholegood Master.
Users can now right mouse click – Copy data from the Wholegood List for pasting in other areas.
Added a permission for Wholegood View Only.  A user with this permission will be able to view the WG List but will not be able to double click to open a WG Master.  If you have users that can currently view this list but you no longer wish for them to have access to the master, you will need to remove the permission for Wholegood View and Maintenance.
Added the ability to Edit Transactions on the Wholegood Invoice similar to the feature that currently exists for Invoices and Service Invoices.  After a WG Invoice has been settled, you will be able to add additional transactional lines to the accounting entry.


Added a new settlement method to Repair Orders to facilitate capitalizing the total amount of the repair order to Item Inventory.  Prior to using this feature, you must select a suspense account for the system to use.  To select this account, navigate to Company>Company Preferences and click on the Service tab. Select an account in the drop down for Parts Builder Suspense Account.  You must also add the new permission for using this new feature to any users needing to settle using this method.  The new

permission description is “Settle Repair Order to Inventory”.  When settling the Repair Order using this new method, the user will be prompted for a settlement date, an inventory item number, and a quantity.  The system will debit the total amount of the Repair Order to the suspense account and automatically create an Inventory Adjustment document crediting the suspense account and adding the dollars and quantity selected to Item Inventory.

Added an option to Print Detailed Time Slips.  This menu option is found under the Print menu option but only when the user is in the Labor Tab of the Repair Order.  Selecting this option will print a list of the individual time slips in the bottom portion of the Labor Tab.
Added 4 new columns to the Customer Line Item Detail Report to display the 4 Issue Codes associated with Service Issues on Repair Orders.
Added a column to the Repair Order Report to display the Customer Tax Exempt Number.
Added Item Serial Number and WG Serial Number as pre-fetch filters to the Customer Line Item Detail Report.
Added a column to the Items tab of the Repair Order to display the Service Issue Type.
When starting a new Repair Order, if the user first selects the Wholegood, the Customer will auto- populate with the Billing Customer from the Wholegood record.
Inactive Employees no longer display in the Service Writer drop down on Repair Orders.
Users can now add Miscellaneous Charges to Standard Service Issues and PM Items.
Added a column to the Service Issue Tab, the Items Tab and the Labor Tab of the Repair Order to display the Service Issue Number.
Added a Pre-Fetch filter option to the Repair Order Report for Total.  Enter in a dollar amount to find Repair Orders that match that total.
Changed the way the system adds Miscellaneous Charges to Repair Orders to speed up the performance of adding these items to a document.
Corrected an issue with the “Is PM” flag not displaying correctly in certain reports.
Added scrolling features to the Service Issues tab of the Repair Order to allow users to scroll down to view long narratives.


Created a new process for transferring Item Inventory between locations.  The new method utilizes the average cost of the sending location as the cost in the receiving location (this is different than the existing transfer process that uses the average cost of each respective location and records the difference to cost of goods sold).  The new method also uses a holding account for the items while they are in transit so that the receiving location can control when the items show up in their inventory.  Two new document types have been created to facilitate this new process.  The Inventory Transfer Dispatch document is completed by the sending location.  This document has a status of Open or Shipped.  No accounting or quantity adjustments are made until the document is saved with a status of Shipped.  At this time, the dollars and quantities are relieved from the sending location.  The dollars are held in a new general ledger asset account called “Inventory Transfer Clearing”.  When a user saves a Dispatch document with a status of Shipped, the system creates an Inventory Transfer Receipt document at the receiving location with a status of Open.  Open Receipts do not affect dollars or quantities at the receiving location.  When the items are received, a user at the receiving location should find the corresponding Receipt document and change the status to Received.  This will update the dollars and quantities at the receiving location.  The cost of the items at the receiving location will become part of the blended average cost of those items in the same way as purchasing new items from an outside supplier.
Added a menu option to settled invoices to “Create Credit”.  Selecting this option will create a new Invoice for the same customer with the same line items with opposite quantities resulting in an invoice amount opposite of the original.
Added a column for Customer Type to the Estimate, Sales Order and Invoice lists.
Added a feature to the export of the customer purchase order number to Fleet Charge where lower case letters will automatically be converted to uppercase prior to transmittal.  (Users will not see this change on their screen – it only changes the data transmitted.)

The transaction history for an Inventory Item that is seen when users right mouse click on an Item from

the Item Inventory List and select “Show Documents” now includes Repair Order document types.

Added columns for Category, Group and Class to the Suggested Stock Order.
Added a column to the Item Inventory List to display Product Code.
Added a column to the Physical Inventory form to display Group Code.
Added a new option to quickly find a Repair Order based on the Service Tech assigned to the Repair Order.  To use this function, navigate to Service>Find>Repair Order by Tech.  You can also use the hot key sequence Ctrl+R.  This will produce a popup of service technicians.  Select the Service Technician to see a popup of Repair Orders for that Service Technician.
Added columns to the Item Metrics Report to display Category, Group and Class.
Corrected an issue associated with transmittal of merged sales history to Navistar’s DIA program.
Corrected a duplication of back-orders issue when users were adding out of stock items to a document, force selling them, then adding them again as a back-ordered item.
The Related Orders Tab of the IR/Bill document now displays dropships in addition to back-orders.
Added a new option to display the customer notebook items upon settlement of an Invoice.  To select this option, navigate to Company>Company Preferences and click on the Inventory tab and check the box titled “Display Customer Notebook on Settlement”.


Added options on the Rental Contract to include Insurance Information and Operator Information in the header section of the contract.
The auto filter row now displays by default on the Rental Contract List.
Added a column to the Rental Invoice List to display Salesman.
Corrected an issue with units going onto a Reserved Contract with the incorrect status.
Corrected an issue with returned units continuing to show up on subsequent Rental Invoices.
Added a column for serial number to the Equipment tab of the Rental Contract.
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