2014 August Release Notes







Added two new columns to the Item Metrics Report to display Past 12 Months Gross Profit % and Past 12 Months Turn and Earn ratio (Gross Profit % times Turnover).
Added a feature to restrict voiding wholegood invoices that included trade-ins when those trade-ins are included on other point of sale documents.
Corrected several issues related to the beta release of the budgeting module.
French Canadian users will see that progress is being made in the translation of our product.  This will be an ongoing project and will take place over several releases.
Added a feature to warn users if a check number was already used.
Corrected an issue related to the random sorting of line items on Purchase Orders.
Added a check box option to the notebook area on the Other Tab of the Wholegood Master to “Print on Invoice”.  Selecting this option will automatically add the note to the Wholegood line on the point of sale document when adding the Wholegood.
Combined the MFG Credit Card settlement option previously seen on the settlement pop up on all point of sale documents with the Credit Card settlement option.  Users wishing to settle to CNH Credit Cards, Fleet Charge Credit Cards or Farm Plan Credit Cards will now select the Credit Card settlement option and select the appropriate CC Type from the drop down.
Corrected inaccurate warning message pop ups related to expired sales tax certificate numbers.
Added a new feature to allow users to manually set the due date on point of sale documents.  To use this feature, hit the F9 key on your keyboard to expand the point of sale document so that the payment terms drop down is visible.  Select the payment term “Manual (System)” and the Due Date field will become editable.
Added the following columns to the Customer Line Item Detail Report: Price Book, OEM Vendor, Due Date, Payment Terms, Sold to Address, Sold to City, Sold to State, Sold to Zip, Ship to Address, Ship to City, Ship to State, Ship to Zip.
Extended the columns on the Accounts Receivable Aging Report to include 121 to 150, 151 to 180, and Over 180.
Added a column to the AR Aging Report for Payment Terms.
Resolved an issue with printing PO’s with a status of Partial.
Added an option to Print the Pay Sales Tax Screen.
Added a column to the PM Report for Past Due.  This column displays a True or False allowing the user to filter the report to display all Past Due PM items.
Users can now ungroup core returns to display them in detail on POS Documents.
Added 3 New Company Preferences to turn off the No Stock Pop Up on Estimates, WG Estimates and Repair Estimates.  To select these options, navigate to Company>Company Preferences and click on the respective tab to check the box titled Do Not Display Out of Stock Pop Up on Estimates.  If you select the option, the system will not check available for sale quantities when adding Items to Estimates, however, the line will be colored red if there is insufficient quantity to support he sale.  When estimates are converted to orders or invoices, the system will check available for sale quantities and produce the No Stock Pop up at that time.


The previous column titled Serial Number in the Customer Line Item Detail Report has been renamed to WG Serial Number.  It continues to display Wholegood Serial Numbers.
Added a column to the Wholegood List for Sales Order Customer.


Added an option to print additional subtotals at the bottom of repair estimates /orders / invoices to display the break out of Items, Labor and Misc. Charges by Line Type.  To select this option, navigate to Company>Location Profile>Forms Printing.  Select the Services Preferences Tab and check the box in the header section titled “Print Repair Totals”.
Added a column to the Repair Order List and the Repair Order Report to display the Printed Memo from the Repair Order header.
Users can no longer use the Edit Transactions feature on Settled Repair Orders when the Settlement Date is included in a closed period.
Added two new columns to the Repair Order Report for Date of Last Time Slip and Name on last Time Slip.  These columns will display data related to the most recent clock in for the respective Repair Order.
Added a column to the Repair Order Report for Days Since Initiation.


Added a check box to the general tab of the Item Master for Serialized.  If this box is checked, the system will not allow the Item to be included on a point of sale document without including a serial number.  Users attempting to save a point of sale document including one of these items will see a pop up display prompting the user to input the serial number.  Serial numbers can also be input directly into the point of sale grid under the new column titled Serial Number.  When the check box is selected on an item master, and the number is input at point of sale, the system will automatically add a note to the line item on the printed document displaying the entered serial number.  If you do not want this not to print, you can uncheck the “Print on Invoice” check box included in the note line on your screen.

The customer line item detail report now includes a column for Item Serial Number and displays any serial numbers entered at point of sale.  The previous column titled Serial Number has been renamed to WG Serial Number and continues to display Wholegood Serial Numbers.

Serial numbers can be edited directly on the form for estimates and sales orders.  If you have settled an invoice with an incorrect serial number, you can edit these by performing a right mouse click on the serial number on the customer line item detail report.  Editing the serial number in this fashion, will also update the related note on the document.

Corrected an issue related to sales tax on Warranty Type Customers selected on invoices.
Pick List quantities no longer revert back to 1 when importing them onto a point of sale document.
The columns for UPC and SKU on the Item list now display data from the Item Master.


Added a column to the Payroll Detail Report for Employee SSN.
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