2013 April Release Notes







Added multi-select options to the Location Drop Down and the Department Drop Down on the Profit and Loss Report.  Users can now produce a P&L for one or many locations and/or departments.
Added a new user interface for paying supplier statements.  This interface is designed to be used in those cases where you will pay the entire statement balance and greatly simplifies this process.  A new check box has been added to the Details tab of the Supplier Master.  You should check this box for those suppliers that you wish to pay using this new process.  Once this box is checked, that supplier will NOT show up on the Pay Bills screen but will be accessible on the new Pay Supplier Statement screen. Navigate to Supplier>New>Pay Supplier Statement to use the new payment process.  You will see a menu item on this interface for “Save and Finish Later” allowing you to begin your process and save your work for later use.  Using the “Refresh” menu option, users can also add new documents or edit existing documents that are included in your reconciliation / payment process without losing those items that you have already reconciled.  Navigate to Supplier>Find>Supplier Statement Payment to view the list of previously COMPLETED statement payments.  This list will only show those payments that have been finalized.  To open a reconciliation / payment that you have previously saved to finish later, go back to Supplier>New>Pay Supplier Statement and select your supplier from the drop down. You will see that all of your previous work has been saved.  Finally, if you void the payment document that was used to pay the statement balance, all of the underlying documents will revert back to unpaid and become available again in the Statement Payment process.
Added a Memo column to the Settle to GL pop up on Repair orders.  Users can now capture memo information about each line in the settlement.
The Fixed Asset List now opens blank and includes Pre-Fetch Filter options.

The option within Sales Tax Items to “Print on Invoice” will now cause the selected items to print on

the Estimate and Sales Order.

When selecting a Customer at Point of Sale, a pop up will appear listing any other point of sale documents open in the system for that Customer.  Users can double click a line on the pop up to open the existing document and / or print the list.
Added a Salesman column to the Accounts Receivable Aging Report.
Hold down the Ctrl key and type T on your keyboard to open the Chart of Accounts Grid.
Added the System ID to the header section of the grid print report derived from the Cost Tab of the Wholegood Master.
The View Application Events Report now opens blank and includes Pre-Fetch filter options.
Added a print option to the WG Transfer document.
The Point of Sale online process for updating Fleet Charge Customer Pricing now executes with each save of the related document.
The Customer Line Item Detail Report will now save the last layout for each work station so that the Report will open with the columns last used.
Additional sound options have been added to the system along with the user’s ability to turn them on or off per work station.  To manage the current sound options, navigate to Help>System>Sounds.  The two new sounds for Fetch (Nacho’s Bark) and Delete (Hal’s voice from 2001: A Space Odyssey) are turned off by default.  If selected, the Fetch sound will produce Nacho’s bark each time the Fetch button is clicked.  If selected, the Delete sound will produce Hal’s voice, “I’m sorry Dave, I can’t let you do that”, when a user attempts to delete or void certain items.
The Settle To GL feature currently on the Repair Order has now been added to the Invoice and WG Invoice.  Both of these options have separate permissions.


Users can now edit the list price on parts counter point of sale documents (Estimate, Sales Order, and Invoice).
When a customer is returning an inventory item with a core charge, the system will now prompt the user to delete the core from the Core Eligibility for that customer.  If the user selects Yes, the system will automatically delete the most recent core charge from the Core Eligibility Report for the respective customer.
Added a new Inventory Item Inquiry interface.  To access this new feature, Navigate to Inventory>Find>Item Inquiry.  Users can select a customer and key in numerous item numbers separated with a comma and click on Fetch to see customer specific pricing.  Users can also create a pick list from the inquiry screen.
Added a check box option on the Customer Master Details Tab to “Always Ignore Item Sales History for this Customer”.  This option should be used for those dealers with multi-locations who are selling inventory between locations instead of using the Inventory Transfer feature.  The check box would be selected for those Customer Master records that are set up for each location to be used on the Invoice when selling (transferring) items from one location to another.
When Merging Sales History of Inventory Items, the system will now produce a pop up of all open documents that include the old item number.  Users can print the list and then continue with the Merge.
Added new columns to the Inventory Items list for Committed Dollars, AFS Dollars, and Replacement Cost Dollars.
Added a check box option within Company Preferences to include the header memo from Journal Entries on the Customer Statement.  To select this option, Navigate to Company>Company Preferences.
Added By (the data field capturing who added the inventory item to the document) will now print on the Inventory Receiving Report.


Corrected an issue that was deleting the Wholegood Sold Date and the Owning Customer when voiding a WG Estimate.
Added a column to the WG Point of Sale documents for New/Used.


Users can now re-select (change) the Wholegood on a Settled Repair Order.  To perform this function, right mouse click on a Settled Repair Order from the Repair Order List.  There is a separate permission for this function.
Corrected an issue on Time Slip edits from the Repair Order.
Corrected an issue regarding the display of OP Code Description on Time Slips on Repair Orders.
Users can now edit the description on labor lines on a Repair Order.
A new menu option has been added to Settled Repair Orders that allows a user with the appropriate permission to “Edit Transactions”.  This will produce a pop up displaying all of the previously saved accounting entries associated with the document in a Read Only fashion; however, users can add additional GL lines to the settlement of the respective Repair Order.


Added the 2013 form 941 for payroll processing.
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