2013 February Release Notes








In order to speed up the document printing process, the system will now save logo’s, letterhead, and other customized areas of the printed document on the local workstation.  This local file will be refreshed each time the user opens the application.  If you make any changes to these custom areas of your documents, you will then need to close the application and reopen before seeing the changes to your printed documents.
Added a right mouse click option to print documents from the following lists:  Estimate, Sales Order, Invoice, WG Estimate, WG Sales Order, WG Invoice, Service Estimate, Repair Order, Rental Invoice, and Lease Invoice.  When selecting this option the system will send the print file directly to the default printer for your workstation and will not produce a print preview.

This release includes the new CNH financial statement submission process.  CNH dealers will need to complete the submission of their December financials in accordance with the deadline previously communicated by CNH. 

After submitting your December data, please contact RIMSS support to arrange for assistance in converting your previous account mappings to the new format.

Added a column to the Accounts Receivable Aging Report to display Days Past Due.  Days Past Due is displayed for debit amounts only.
Corrected various issues with the Customer Line Item Detail Report.
Added the ability to set permissions specific to a location.  Previously, when a permission was set, it was active in all Corporations and all Locations.  If a user has the permission to switch between Company/Locations, they have the same permissions at all Company/Locations.  You can now tailor your permissions for each Role for each Company/Location.
Added check box options on the Pre-Fetch filter for Document Type on the Item Detail Report to allow users to select one or many document types.
Added the first 10 user defined fields of the Wholegood Master and the Business Address Fields from the Customer Master to the Customer Line Item Detail Report.

Users can now add attachments to an IR/Bill Document and Payment Document after they have

become “Read Only”.

Added Customer Type and the first 10 user defined fields from the Customer Master to column chooser on the Customer Statements list.
Added a new feature to certain Point of Sale documents to hide customer information in order to see
more detail lines.  This feature is available on the following documents:  Estimate, Sales Order, Invoice, WG Estimate, WG Sales Order, and WG Invoice.  To activate this feature hold down the Ctrl key and hit the F9 key on your keyboard.  This will hide the customer name and address allowing the display of additional detail lines on your screen.  Perform the same keystrokes to display the hidden information.
Expanded the Report Permissions.  There are now individual permissions for each report instead of each report category.


Corrected an issue with the processing of Navistar DIA returns.
Added the Manufacturer Data from the Inventory Catalog to the quick add pop up when adding a new a new Inventory Item Master.  This will display, among other things, the suggested bin location for Navistar items which can be found in the field called, Group Code.


Added a new rental contract status for Reserved.
When adding a unit to a Rental Contract, the system now displays all Rental Units regardless of their current contract status.  If a user attempts to place a unit on a contract that is already on another active contract, the system will provide a pop up warning referencing the related contract number and then allow the user to proceed.
Added an option under Company Preferences to exclude the total amounts owed on the printed contract.
Added a Due In Override feature to the Rental Contract.  If information in keyed into this override area on the contract, it will appear on the printed contract in place of the Due In Date and Time.
Removed the existing Insurance Information on the Contract form and replaced it with two insurance lookups that access the new Lease/Rental Insurance tab of the Customer Master.  You can now save insurance information in this new tab in the Customer Master and easily access this information from the Rental Contract.  The insurance lookups on the contract also have an Add New feature allowing you to update the Customer Master from the Rental Contract.  There is a new optional feature to warn the user of an upcoming expiration date on insurance.  To set this option, navigate to Company>Company Preferences and click on the Rental tab.
Added a new Report for Lease and Rental Insurance.  This report can be accessed by navigating to Reports>Customers>Lease/Rental Insurance.  It will display the insurance information from the Customer Master.
Miscellaneous Charges (fixed amount, variable amount, and percentages) can now be edited on the
Contract.  Also, an additional description field can be edited that will print on the contract and the invoice.
The Time Out on the Rental Contract now defaults to the workstation time instead of 12:00 am.
Added a new column to the Rental Contract with a user selected option to Adjust for Previous Billings. This box is checked by default and leaving it checked will allow multiple billings from the same contract to behave as they always have by adjusting subsequent billings for the accumulation of any previous billings.  If you uncheck this box, the system will ignore previous billings for that line item.
Added an Attachments Tab to the Equipment Operator form.

Added DOT # and Commodity fields to the Rental Contract.  The Customer’s DOT # can be stored in the

Customer Master and will then auto populate on the Contract when the customer is selected.


This release includes numerous enhancements to the Lease Module.


Created a new version of the Repair Order List with fewer columns for quicker retrieval of this list.  The previous Repair Order List, with all of its many columns of data, has been moved to the report section and can be found by navigating to Reports>Service>Repair Order.

Added a right mouse click menu option to the Repair Order list for

Edit Service Issues. 

This new menu option will open a pop up of the Service Issues on the selected Repair Order for editing.  There is also a new permission associated with this new menu item.

Created a new set of permissions for Service.  You can now allow a view only option for the Repair Order list where the user will not be able to double click a line to open the Repair Order.  You can, however, grant that user the ability to select the right mouse click menu option to Edit Service Issues. This will allow you to grant access to a user to write up the Service Issue Description, Cause and Fix without opening the Repair Order.  In addition, there is a new permission for adding or editing Item Lines and Core Lines on the Items Tab of the Repair Order.  This will allow you to grant access to the Items Tab of the Repair Order but only allow that user the ability to add or edit Miscellaneous Charges.
Changed the way Time Slips update Repair Orders so that clocking in and out is no longer affected by another user having the Repair Order open.
Added a column for Customer Type to column chooser on the Repair Order Report and the Service Labor Report.
CNH customers can now import Preventive Maintenance schedules from data provided by CNH.  If you would like this data loaded on your server please contact RIMSS support.  There will be a $200.00 fee for the initial data load and each subsequent update.
Added columns to the Customer Line Item Detail Report for Fleet Number and Serial Number from the Wholegood Master and added columns for Complaint Type, Description, Cause and Fix from the Repair Order.


Added the first 10 user defined fields from the Employee Master to the Payroll Detail Report.
Added the first 10 user defined fields from the Employee Master to the Time Slip List.
Added a column for Job Title to the Time Slip list.
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