When printing Payroll Checks, the checks now appear in alphabetic order based on last name. |
Changed the WG Invoice print to allow for a longer description. |
The Revenue Account drop down within the Outside Parts and Labor pop ups now display revenue accounts for all locations within the company. |
Added an option within Company Preferences to exclude the Customer Name from printed Purchase Orders. To select this option, navigate to Company>Company Preferences and click on the Inventory tab. |
Users can now create an Item Receipt from a Pick List. To use this new feature, click on the Create menu item while in the Pick List. You will see a drop down option for Item Receipt/Return. If you click on this option, the system will open a new Item Receipt / Bill document and include the inventory items from your Pick List. |
Corrected an issue with the Name pre-fetch filter on the Item Detail Report when using a leading asterisk. |
When converting an Estimate to a Repair Order, any Inventory Items that do not have sufficient Available for Sale quantities to support the required amount will be highlighted red. |
Users now have an option to Print the list when using the Show Documents feature on the Inventory List. |
Users can now Void Estimates and Sales Orders that have been included in Hard Closes. |
Added a column for Year to the WG Sales Report. This column will display the Year from the Wholegood Master. |
Users can now double click on a line on the Suggested Stock Order to open the Inventory Master. |
Added a column for Customer Name to the Time Slip list. This column will display the customer on the Repair Order for any applicable time slips. |
Added a print option to the Cost tab of the Wholegood Master. |
Added columns for Package Multiple and Set Multiple to the Suggested Stock Order list. |
Corrected an issue with AMAX pick lists not populating the history columns on the Suggested Stock Order. |
Added the GL Account for Sales Order Deposits to the account lookup on the Reconciliation Form. Users can now select this account for reconciliation. |
When selecting a Standard Service Issue that has been set up with Inventory Items, the system will now add the inventory items to the Repair Order and use any Standard Hour overrides that have been set up for any of the Op Codes. |
The default account selection within Location Profile for the Revenue account in Outside Parts and Labor now works for the WG Invoice and Repair Order. |
Added additional fields to the OP Codes for Make and Model and included these fields as Pre- Fetch filters in the OP Code look up. |
Added a check box column to the Item Receipt / Bill document to facilitate the manual counting process when receiving inventory items. As users count an item, they can now check the box to keep track of which items have been counted. This will also shade the checked line green. |
Added percentage change to the subtotal lines on comparative financial statements. |
Made numerous changes and enhancements to the Payroll Module including changes to the printed checks and adding a 941 Report. |
Users can now double click a line on Reconciliations to open the underlying document. |
Added a new General Ledger Allocations feature. Users can now create allocation templates by selecting one or many GL accounts to allocate FROM and selecting the GL accounts to allocate TO with their corresponding percentages. These templates can then be used at any time to allocated the amounts in the FROM accounts to the TO accounts based on the established percentages. To create a new template navigate to Company>New>Allocation Template. To find and use existing Templates navigate to Company>Find>Allocation Template. From the list of Templates, select the AS OF date for the allocation and check the templates you wish to use then click on the menu item, “Create and Save Journal Entries”. The system will create Journal Entries to move the balances in the FROM Accounts to the TO Accounts based on the selected Templates. |
Added a column for Supplier Invoice Date to the Item Detail Report. |
Changed the document descriptions on the Customer Master Financial Tab from POS Document to the more precise description of Invoice, Sales Order and Estimate. |
The Time Slip Generator now only displays Active employees. |
Added a separate permission for Time Slip Generator. |
Changed the default view for the Permissions List and included a filter row at the top of the list. |
Corrected an issue with Time Slips where the lookup of tasks was limited to the Paid Task Type. |