2011 December Release Notes

The system now prints the Sales Tax Certificate Number from the Customer Master on Invoice, WG Invoice and Service Invoice.

Added a new Customer Sales History report.  Navigate to Reports>Customers>CNH Customer Sales Report
Added new columns to the Customer Line Item Detail Report for WG Make, WG Model,  Warranty Customer, Original Cost, Original Gross Profit, Adjusted Cost, Adjusted Gross Profit.
Added the Serial Number from the Wholegood Trade in pop up on the WG POS documents to the detail line on the document.
Added the ability to double click a Trade In line on a WG POS document to open the Trade In Pop Up for editing.
Added a memo field on the Repair Order that will print in the header section of the printed form.
When the system auto generates a Sales Order due to the receipt of a Customer Order, the Customer's Tax Group Override is used on the document if one exists.
Corrected an issue with copying WG Master Records related to the POS Doc #. Corrected an issue with Fleet Charge partial quantities.
Improved the performance of the Item Detail Report when entering a pre-fetch filter.
Added a new Inventory Count process.  Navigate to Inventory>New>Inventory Count to initiate a new count of your inventory items.  Navigate to Inventory>Find>Inventory Count to find existing counts.  RIMSS will be providing an online training session for this new functionality on December 27, 2011.  Watch for an email with instructions on how to attend this online training.
Added the ability to print a grouped report Fully Collapsed.
When the system auto generates a Sales Order due to the receipt of a Customer Order, the Customer's Tax Group Override is used on the document if one exists.
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