2011 October 16 Release Notes

Sales Tax Detail now opens blank waiting for user to select a date range and click Fetch.
When doing a quick add of a Wholegood from a Repair Order, the system now populates the Owning and Billing Customer with the name on the Repair Order.
Added the French Dictionary to the Spell Check Feature on Repair Orders.
Added override general ledger account fields to the Wholegood Master.  User can now override the General Ledger Account in the Wholegood Accounting Code using this new feature.
Added the ability in the Wholegood Transfer Document to transfer the accounting entries related to Wholegoods that have been sold or that are on a Sales Order.
Added the Package Multiple field to the No Stock Pop Up at point of sale.  This field is highlighted Red if the quantity is greater than one for those instances where the user wishes to bill the customer for the entire Package Quantity when doing a special order.
Added quantity information for all locations to the No Stock Pop Up at point of sale.  Users can now see if other locations have inventory items before placing a special order.
Added grouped subtotals to many of the lists throughout the system.
Added the Miles and Hours In and Out columns (4 columns) from the Repair Order to the Repair Order List and the Customer Line Item Detail Report.
Changed the default Tax Group behavior.  If a ship to address is selected that has no Tax Group assigned, the system will now look for a Tax Group Override for that Customer before using the default Tax Group for the location.

Added an option to Customer Statements to Exclude Fully Paid Invoices.

Removed the functionality for warning the user of Negative Quantity on Hand when saving an Item Receipt / Bill document.

Added the Service Document Type to the Wholegood Sales Report

When changing the Tax Group Override or Tax Group associated with a Ship To Address in the Customer Master, the system now asks the user if they wish to change the Tax Group at all locations.

Changed the menu location for Standard Service Issues.  This is now found in Service>Preventive Maintenance.  The list of Standard Service Issues now opens blank and the user has Pre-Fetch Filter options.  Users will see additional tabs related to an upcoming release of the Preventive Maintenance Module that are not functional in this release.
Added the Journal Entry Document Type to the Sales Tax Detail Report
Added a Location preference for default Outside Parts and Outside Labor Revenue Accounts.  To set this default value, navigate to Company>Location Profile>General and click on the Location Accounts tab.
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