2011 September 10 Release Notes

A feature was added to the IR/Bill document and the Journal Entry document that restricts the user from capitalizing cost of a Wholegood to the Balance Sheet if the Sales Status of the Wholegood is Sold.
Added a feature to allow the user to manually type in a Purchase Order number on documents when the customer master has been modified to include Customer PO data.
Print History tab added to each POS form (estimate, sales order, and invoice). Inventory, Service, Rental & Wholegood.
Fixed an error when posting to accounts referenced to GL Control Reference.
Changed the export process for CNH parts orders to exclude PO lines that have been marked Closed(User).
Fixed a display issue with Rental Invoice numbers on the Customer Receipt form.
Added the ability to create Miscellaneous Shop Charges that will automatically apply to Repair Orders.  See attached documentation.
Fixed a display issue with Credits on Customer Statements and Customer Receipts.
Dropdown options replaced by multi-select options on the Transaction Detail Report.
Added a new column to the Repair Order List for Extract Date.
Fixed an issue with Inactive Sales Tax Items showing up in the list for creating Sales Tax Groups.

Inventory Items in a manufacturer’s catalog will now price based on your established Pricing

Source when you set up Price Book Default values.

Changed the Item Detail Report to display the Location where the document was originated rather than the Location of the General Ledger Account used to record the transaction.
Changed the Rental Invoice to use the Tax Group per the Rental Contract.
Fixed a display issue with Sales Tax Rate on the Rental Invoice.
Fixed an issue with the lookup of Inventory Items not displaying the Bin Location.
Added an interface for PartSmart.  One time installation cost of $749.00 and monthly maintenance cost of $24.00 will apply.  If you wish to subscribe to this service, please contact customer support.
Modified the Scan Receipt process to return only exact matches on item numbers.
Changed the sales tax due date to calculate off of the Settlement Date on Repair Orders instead of the Initiation Date.
Added the ability to edit Outside Parts and Labor after they have been entered onto a document. To edit, double click the line and the pop up will open for editing.
Added an option to the Item Master to exclude that Item from Price File Updates.  See check box on the Pricing Tab of the Item Master.
Added a feature to allow for duplicate Miscellaneous Charges lines on the same WG Point of Sale document.
Fixed an issue with the display of Tax Rates on the WG Invoice.

Added a new validation check when Saving and Creating a Rental Invoice to check that all of the

“Date In” fields have been populated.

Added a drop down box for Shipping Method to the back order pop up on Point of Sale documents.
Added columns to the Purchase Order Detail Report for Document Type and Document Number of the originating Point of Sale source document for Customer Orders.
Added columns to the IR/Bill document and related Scan Receipt pop up for Document Type, Document Number, and Salesman of the originating Point of Sale document for Customer Orders.
Added a feature to allow editing of the Memo Field on all documents at all times.  From the list of documents, the user can right mouse click a line to see the option for editing.
When opening a Sales Order from the list and then converting to an Invoice and subsequently settling that Invoice, the system will no longer produce a blank New Invoice tab.  When opening a new Sales Order, converting that Sales Order to an Invoice and settling the Invoice, the system will open a new Sales Order.  If starting with a New Invoice and settling that Invoice, the system will open a New Invoice.
Corrected display in the WG Master under the Transaction tab for Work In Process Detail to show the total dollars on the Repair Order.
Added a feature to allow the user to quickly assign the same service issue to all unassigned lines in a Repair Order.  To use this feature, assign the first Service Issue then right mouse click on that issue to see a new option to “Assign Service Issue to all Unassigned Lines”.
Corrected an issue with incorrect status on the Customer Line Item Detail report.
Added a new permission to access the Items tab on Repair Orders.
The Wholegood lookup that is accessed from various transactional documents will now open blank waiting for Pre-Fetch Filters to be applied.  Using a Pre-Fetch filter will greatly increase the performance of the system where there are large numbers of Wholegoods.

Hours and Miles IN from the Rental Contract now update the Wholegood Master.  Rental Contract miles and hours OUT is pre-populated with the miles and hours from the Wholegood Master.

Hours and Miles OUT from the Repair Order will now update the Wholegood Master.  The Wholegood master is only updated if the hours or miles on the document are greater than the value already in the master.  The update process occurs when the Repair Order or Rental Invoice are settled.

Corrected an issue on Sales Orders where Save and New was not producing a new Sales Order.
Added a feature to the IR/Bill document to not allow future dating on the document date if the document includes Item line types.
Added additional options to the Profit and Loss report.  User can select any date range for the comparative column.  User can also elect to include zero balance accounts and elect to break out the report by Location/Department.  The options now open in a tabbed form instead of a pop up and each report generated opens in its own tab to allow the user to have multiple versions of the P&L report open at one time.  Report Options can now be saved using a new Layouts menu option.
Fixed an issue where the system was producing an incorrect validation error message on the void of a Repair Order.
Fixed an issue on IR/Bill documents when the same Item was included on the document on multiple lines and the resulting Quantity on Hand is zero when the document is saved.
Added a new column to the Sales Tax Detail Report to display the Revenue Account associated with each line.  Rental Invoice data is excluded in this column because one Rental Invoice line can go to multiple Revenue Accounts.
Added an interface to upload CLAAS Inventory Items.
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