Employee Alerts - Document Total Change

Configuring the Document Total Change Alert

Step 1:

Set up the alert recipient onthe employee master.  Refer to the help document Creating Alert Recipients for the details on how to add the alert contact.

Step 2:

This alert will be set up directly on a specific IR/Bill.  Go to Suppliers > Find > Item Receipt/Bill.   Double click on the IR/Bill in the list to open the document and set up the alert.

Step 3:

Once you have opened the IR/Bill, click on “Options” in the top menu and choose “Alerts” from the drop-down menu.

Step 4:

After clicking on Alerts, you will see a blank pop-uptitled Alerts – I/R Bill #####.  Click “Add” at the top left of this box to see the pop-up with the Document Total Changed alert.  Double click on Document Total Changed to open the alert for configuration.

Step 5:

Once you have opened the alert form, you will see the pop-up below.  There are 3 fields you can configure to customize this alert.

A.    The variable value will be auto-populated with the IR/Bill you currently have open.  Limit Type and Limit Value are also pre-populated with the required settings.

B.     Add Delivery Address(es):   Click the dropdown in the Delivery Addresses field and select the address(es) where you would like the alert delivered then click OK.

C.   Add a Custom Message (Optional) – You can add a customized message that will be included with the system message. 

D.   Mark the alert as “Hold Message for Review” if you do not want the alert to automatically be sent at the time of Invoice Settlement.  If you hold the message for review, the alert will go into a holding area until you release it. (Optional)

E.   Once you have configured all the fields, click OK, close the Alerts List, and click Save on the IR/Bill to save the Alert.

F. If you marked the alert with “Hold Message for Review”, you will need to release the message when you are ready for it to be sent.  Refer to the article Release Alerts Held for Review to learn how to release the messages.

Here are screenshots of the customized alerts that were delivered.  The Company name comes from the company set up in RIMSS.  The “from” email address is configured in your database mail configuration.   Please note that some cellular providers will truncate the text alerts as shown below.

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