Monthly Customer Statement Processing
Go to Customer > Customer Statements.
Unless you are still in the month you are running statements for, the Statement Period should be Last Month.
Check the desired “Do not create statements” boxes for those statement types you do not wish to print on this statement run. Click Fetch.
This will bring up all customers that have statements that fit the criteria selected. If you do not wish to print any of these customers, uncheck them on the left of the name. If you want to preview the statement, you can choose the Preview Selected Statement button. Be aware thata new tab will open for each statement so only choose a few at a time (maximum of 10).
Select the Print Statement button to print them to your default printer. If the Include Invoices option is checked then the invoices for the same period will print following that customer’s statement.
Answer Yes to the question below to print the statements. Answer No and the screen will return to the screen above.