Creating a Parts Sales Order and Invoice

These instructions will cover the basics of creating a Parts Sales Order and Invoice.  Due to different scenarios and uses not all examples can be covered. Should you have a particular situation that is not covered in these instructions please contact Customer Support for assistance.

To create a new Parts Sales Order go to:

Inventory > New > Sales Order

Enter the required Header Information.

Entering items/parts into the Sales Order

Searching for items/parts

Selling Items with a Core Charge

When an Item is sold and has a Core Charge, the Core Charge is billed at the time.  If the customer brings in their “dirty core” you may issue them the Core Credit at that time by pressing the F5-Apply Core Credits as shown below.

Core Credits Applied

Entering Miscellaneous Charges (Freight, Outside Labor, or other non-Inventory items)

The Miscellaneous Charges are setup as needed and apply to each location (if multi-location dealer).  Depending on the Miscellaneous Charge setup, they can have a “fixed amount” for the selling price or you will enter the selling price.

Example of selling Freight

Entering a text line/comment to print on theInvoice

Converting Sales Order to Invoice to collect payment

Collecting Payment / Settlement Process

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