Inventory Transfer Dispatch for Backorder


Since you are a multi-location dealership, there is a feature to allow you to transfer parts from one of your other locations to your location to satisfy a backorder.

This gives you the ability to transfer the part(s) from one or more of your other locations instead of ordering from your Supplier. 

A Transfer Dispatch is created when the Sales Order or Repair Order is marked with aTransfer Quantity and the Sales Order or Repair Order is saved and closed.  If there are multiple transfer requests from the same location they will be added to the Open Transfer Dispatch, regardlessof the age or the Transfer Dispatch date. Open Transfer Dispatches are driven by the requesting location and created in the transferring location. Once the Transfer Dispatch is marked as Shipped there will be a Transfer Receipt created in the receiving location. Until the receiving location marks the Transfer Receipt as Received the receiving locations QOH (Quantity on Hand) and AFS (Available for Sale) is not updated.

The screenshots shown in this Help Doc show examples of Parts Sales Orders.  The same logic applies to Repair Orders.

IMPORTANT – It is both the transferring locations and receiving locations responsibility to review theTransfer Dispatch and Transfer Receipt Lists to verify the status of those dispatches are correct and no Transfer Dispatch is in an Open status when the parts have already been physically shipped to the receiving location.  The same applies to the receiving location that there are no Transfer Receipts marked as Shipped when the receiving location has physically received the parts. It is recommended that the locations review these lists frequently.

Creating an Inventory Transfer Dispatch for Backorders

In this example, we need to sell a quantity of 3. After entering the Qty. Sold, you receive the No Stock Pop-up showing you have 0 (zero) AFS.  Based on the No Stock Pop-up display, you notice one of your other locations has plenty of stock.  At this point, you can elect toTransfer 3 from the other location to your location to satisfy the backorder sale.

Processing the Transfer from Location A to Location E

After Savingthe Sales Order, a new Transfer Dispatch will be created with an Open Status.  Your Sales Order will reference the Transfer Qty. and Transfer Document. See next page for examples.

Sales Order showing Transfer Quantityand Transfer Dispatch Document #


The Transfer Dispatch will stay in an Open Status until the Status has been changed to Shipped.  If there are any Transfer Dispatches in an Open Status the parts will be added to any additional transfer requests. 

It should be noted that Transfer Dispatches and Transfer Receipts are to be reviewed daily to make sure they are processed as needed.  A Transfer Dispatch must have a Status of Shipped to remove the Items from Inventory at the transferring location.  A Transfer Receipt must have a Status of Received to add the Item to On Hand and Committed at the receiving location.

Transfer Dispatch Status Definitions (Transferring location)

Open          Items have not been removed from Inventory at transferring location – On Hand NOT Updated

Shipped     Items have been removed from Inventory at transferring location – On Hand marked as Committed at transferring location

Transfer Receipt Status Definitions (Receiving location)

Shipped     Items have been shipped from the transferring to location to the receiving location but not received.

Received   Items have been received at the receiving location

Inventory List showing items Committed in transferring location

Processing the Transfer Dispatch (transferring location)

Inventory > Find > Inventory Dispatch

Processing the Transfer Receipt (receiving location)

Inventory > Find > Transfer Receipt

Inventory List after the Transfer Dispatch is marked as Received

Since your Inventory Transfer Dispatch has been marked Received you can finalize your Sales Order or Repair Order.

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