Customer Fixed Parts Pricing Import
Inaddition to the WinNetStar Customer Promo Pricing setup, there is also a way to enter specific parts pricing based on the Customer and Items. This information can be entered into an Excel Spreadsheet then imported into the system.
Before importing your Customer and Pricing information you will need to enter the information into your spreadsheet. Your spreadsheet must have a specific column layout and column headers. Click here to download the template.
Sample of spreadsheet format and columns:
The columns and column names are required and specific to importing this type of pricing. No other information or columns may be used for the import.
Column definitions:
Item Number = the part you want toprice specifically price for the Customer
Price book, OEM Vendor =Price book and OEM Vendor from the Item Master
OEM Division = normally blank unless a Navistar part, then OEM Division is NAVISTR
Fixed Price = the amount you want to sell to the customer
Memo = any memo information needed
Sample of Excel spreadsheet:
Navigate to the following menu selections
Click the Customer Fixed Pricing tab to continue
This window will open after clicking the Add New button:
The numbered fields below (#1 - #6) are required and follow the order of setup. See detailed instructions below for the input of these fields.
#1 from above
#2. Enter a name for the file you are creating
#3. Enter a description for the file you are creating
#4. Enter any Memo information needed
#5. Checkmark the Document Types that will apply to the fixed pricing
#6. Enter a Start / End Date for this pricing setup
After entering the information above, click Save, then click Import.
After clicking the Import button, the following window will open.
Navigate to where you have saved your excel file.
If you need to copy this same pricing setup to a different customer, press the Copy button to start the process over again.
When you have closed out the window above, you will return to the Customer Fixed Pricing tab. Press the Fetch button to refresh the list.