Inventory Transfer Dispatch and Receipt

How to Transfer and Receive Inventory between Locations

The Inventory Transfer Dispatch program lets you decide when your inventory is physically transferred from your location to the receiving location. This program allows you to build the Transfer Dispatch, save the dispatch, and add to it as needed until the parts are ready to leave the dealership. Shipping Methods, Shipping Date, and Expected Delivery Date are also defined in the transfer. As the Inventory Transfer Dispatch is built, the Committed quantity is increased, and the AFS quantity (Available for Sale) is reduced. Once the Inventory Transfer Dispatch Status has been changed from Open (inventory has not left the dealership) to Shipped (inventory has left the dealership), the transferring location's On Hand is reduced. When the inventory arrives at the receiving location and the Inventory Transfer Receipt is marked Received, the receiving location's On Hand is increased.

Note: The receiving location must have the Item Master on file to create the Inventory Transfer Dispatch. If the receiving location does not have the item on file, an error will be displayed when adding the part to the Transfer Dispatch.

To create the Inventory Transfer Dispatch, navigate to:

Inventory > New > Inventory Transfer Dispatch

If you attempt to transfer an item to another location and the item master does not exist in the receiving location's inventory, the following error will appear. The item master will have to be created in the receiving location's inventory before the transfer can occur.

Once all items have been entered on the Transfer Dispatch, select the Shipping Method.  Enter any Memo information as needed.  When the parts are physically sent to the receiving location, you will change the Status of the Transfer Dispatch to Shipped.

Inventory list showing Quantity on Hand, Committed, and Available for Sale updated after Transfer Dispatch has been shipped.

To review the Transfer and its Status navigate to:

Inventory > Find > Inventory Transfer Dispatch

When parts have arrived at the receiving location, they will navigate to:

Inventory > Find > Inventory Transfer Receipt

After the Transfer Receipt has been opened change the fields listed below.

Inventory List “before” Dispatch Status is Received:

Inventory List “after” Dispatch Status is Received:

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