Updating Inventory Masters from Price Files
How to update Inventory prices after New Price File is uploaded
Instructions to update your inventory prices after a new Price File has been downloaded to you from RIMSS. Or if you have created your own price file and you want to update your inventory prices.
If RIMSS is supplying you with the Price File, you will receive an email letting you know a new Price File has been downloaded. If you have created your own Price File, you will need to run this update as well.
You can also review the list of Price Files you subscribe to, so you can review the last time the files were loaded on the server. Most of the major manufacturers provide RIMSS with Price Files on a regular basis. With other manufacturers, it is your responsibility to obtain the file from them in an Excel format and email it to us for processing.
After you have run the Update Inventory Master process, there is a field in each item master called “Last Price File Update” that is updated with the date you processed the file. The column is also available on the Inventory Master List to allow you to check the last time you updated prices. See screenshots at the end of this document for instructions.
In the Inventory -> Utilities menus, there are 3 options:
#1 Used for manually creating / updating a new Price File
#2 Used to review dates that Price File(s) have been downloaded
#3 Used to update Inventory Prices after a new file has been downloaded
To run the Update Inventory Master File that will apply new prices to your Inventory, navigate to the following:
Inventory → Utilities → Update Inventory Master File
When you first enter this screen, all of the Price Files shown will have a Red X.
To select a Price File to update, click on the Red X, and it will turn into a Green → .
The screen is split into halves. On the right side of the screen is a list of fields with a Green → shown.
If there is a specific field you DO NOT want updated, click on the Green → and it will change to a Red X.
Once you have selected the Price File (Green →)and placed a Red X by any field you don’t want updated, press Generate New Changes.
You will see a processing symbol while the update is running.
When processing has completed, press the Show Variance button.
This is the Variance Report indicating any changes. There are multiple fields that can change with a Price File Update, not just prices. Any changes will be seen in the Old Value column and New Value column. The New Value is what will be changed if the Update is applied.
If there is a particular part or a line on the Variance Report you do not want to update, you can “right click” on the line to delete.
At this point in the Price File Update process nothing has been updated. If desired, you can press the X in the upper right corner of the Variance Report and abort the whole process.
Once you have reviewed the Variance Report and are ready to apply the changes, press the Update Inventory Master button. You will be prompted to Update Inventory Master Changes. Press Yes.
The Variance Report screen will be blank when the update has completed.
Reviewing the date of the Last Price File Update
On the Inventory Master list is an available column chooser option for Last Price File Update. Add this column to your list, enter the Item Number, and Fetch. The date displayed is the date the Price File Update was processed.
Reviewing dates of Price Files downloaded
Inventory -> Utilities -> Catalog Activity Report
The Process Completed column is the date the file was downloaded to you.