Managing Serialized Parts
In certain situations, there is a need to enter a Serial Number of a part that is being sold to a customer, and the Serial Number needs to be printed on the Sales Document. These instructions will cover how to set the Part Master to prompt for a Serial Number, how to correct a Serial Number that was entered incorrectly, and how to track the Serial Number that was sold.
The control of serialized parts is done in the Item Master. The Item Master has a checkbox to indicate when the item is sold; a Serial Number must be entered. The Item Master does not contain the Serial Number.
Configuring and Managing Serialized Parts
Open the Item Master from Inventory, then go to Inventory > Find > Inventory Item.
In the Item Master, check the box for Serialized, then click Save and Close.
Your inventory item list has a column (Serialized) that can be added to your layout to indicate if the item is serialized.
After you have entered your item number on the sales document and you attempt to save the document, the following window will display for you to enter the Serial Number.
The serial number entered will be displayed on your screen in the "Item Serial Number" column.
Below is an Invoice sample with printed Serial Number.
If you find that you entered the serial number incorrectly, it can be corrected in the Customer Line Item Detail Report.
Navigate to Reports > Customers > Customer Line Item Detail Report
Enter the corrected Serial Number in the window below.
You can then reprint a copy of the invoice containing the corrected Serial Number.
The Customer Line Item Detail Report also gives you the ability to search for any invoices containing a specific Serial Number.