Creating or Modifying Service Rate Codes

Service Rate Codes are used to define the Hourly Rate applied to an Opcode, or to define a certain Fixed Amount to charge.  The end results are what are billed on the Repair Order for the labor performed. The rate code also contains the Accounting Code which is where the system obtains the various General Ledger accounts used when the Repair Order is settled.

The Service Rate Codes are also location specific.  If you are a multi-location dealer, each of your locations will have their own set of Rate Codes.  Any modification or addition of the Rate Codes will be done in each location.

NOTE:  If you are changing an existing Rate Code amount (Hourly or Fixed) the change will not affect any Repair Order currently in process.  The change will ONLY apply to any new Repair Order that is created.

Contact Customer Support if help is needed to update the Repair Order(s) that are in process.

To add a new Rate Code, or modify an existing Rate Code navigate to the following menu selections:

Your current Rate Code List will display as shown below.

To modify an existing Rate Code double click on the Rate Code line to open.

To add a new Rate Code click the Add New button on the Rate Code List.

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