KDA - Transmitting Trial Balances to Kubota

If this is the first time you will be transmitting your trial balance to Kubota, please contact RIMSS customer support for assistance in configuring your required credentials.

After your system configuration has been set up, follow the steps outlined in these screenshots.

Select the month end as of date you would like to submit to Kubota and click on the OK button.

While you can select any interim as of date and produce a trial balance to use for other purposes, in order to submit a trial balance to Kubota, it must be a month end date.

You will see the data that is about to be transmitted. Ensure that the sum at the bottom equals zero as this indicates that your trial balance is in balance. You will not be able to transmit the data if your trial balance is not in balance.

When you are ready to send the data to Kubota, select the "Transmit to Kubota" menu option at the top left.

You will see a pop-up message regarding our recommendation that you have performed an accounting close prior to transmission, however this is not required.

Click on the Yes button to transmit or the No button to cancel the process.

You will receive a message regarding successful transmission of the data unless there is an error. Valid error messages include:

1-Duplicate trial balance date (the as of date you are trying to submit already exists in the Kubota data)

2-RIMSS is not set up as the expected business system in the Kubota data.

Any other error message would be related to your configuration not being set up correctly or the Kubota server is not online and you should contact RIMSS customer support.

The attachments tab will display a link to a saved copy of each data transmission.

The KDA Webservices tab will display a list of theTB data that already exists on the Kubota server. To produce the list, click on the "Fetch Submitted Trial Balances" button.

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