Multi-Wholegood Transfers

Users can now transfer multiple wholegoods to another location within your company when all those wholegoods will be using the same accounting code in their new location.  To utilize this feature, ensure that you are logged into the current location of the wholegoods that will be transferred.  Open the wholegood list as seen below.  Hold the control key down and click on the wholegoods to be transferred, then right mouse click to find the menu option, Transfer Multiple to New Location.

Clicking on the new menu option will produce the pop up seen in the next screen shot.

Select the Accounting Code and the Location.  You may override the accounts in the Accounting code by using the drop down fields for the respective accounts.  Click Create Transfers when ready and the system will create an inventory transfer document for each wholegood you have selected.

If you click, the Create Transfers menu option on the pop up and you see the message below, you may not be logged into the correct location.  You should be logged into the location you are transferring from.

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