Item Receipt (IR) for Catch-up work

Create a "New Item Receipt" for parts received during your "dead-week", or the period of time between your final data pull from your current business system to your first day of new business in RIMSS.


Suppliers or Inventory>New>Item Receipt/Bill

  1. Doc Date is the date the parts were received
  2. Click on the "..." to the right of the "name" field to search for the appropriate supplier, double click on the proper supplier from the populated list.
  3. Supplier reference refers to the document being used for receiving (i.e.: Invoice # 1234, Packing Slip # 1234, etc.)
  4. Internal Memo refers to the receiving document from your previous dealer business system (i.e.: DBSNAME #1234)
  5. Enter item number/part number being received
  6. Match item quantities
  7. Match invoice total
  8. Save and Close

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