Item Receipt (IR) for Catch-up work
Create a "New Item Receipt" for parts received during your "dead-week", or the period of time between your final data pull from your current business system to your first day of new business in RIMSS.
Suppliers or Inventory>New>Item Receipt/Bill
- Doc Date is the date the parts were received
- Click on the "..." to the right of the "name" field to search for the appropriate supplier, double click on the proper supplier from the populated list.
- Supplier reference refers to the document being used for receiving (i.e.: Invoice # 1234, Packing Slip # 1234, etc.)
- Internal Memo refers to the receiving document from your previous dealer business system (i.e.: DBSNAME #1234)
- Enter item number/part number being received
- Match item quantities
- Match invoice total
- Save and Close