Processing Partial Payments or Deposits During the Catch-up Work Process
Did you take a deposit prior to "dead week" and the following conditions are met?
- Deposit was taken PRIOR to dead-week
- Back-ordered items are received DURING dead-week
- Invoice is finalized DURING dead week
- Deposit was taken PRIOR to dead-week
- Backordered items have not been picked up by the customer or repair order has not been picked up and invoice is not yet finalized (NOTE: parts or wholegoods that are committed to a customer and not picked up during dead-week will need to be entered on a sales order and the appropriate deposit type recorded on the sales order. Please see the related catch-up help document additional information.)
Add a miscellaneous charge as a line item to account for the deposit.
Selecting "F3" or "Add Misc. Charges" will allow the user to search for and select the appropriate miscellaneous charge. The miscellaneous charge will be named differently based upon your company's preference but will always include "pre-conversion" in the description.
See screenshot for navigation on a part or wholegood sales order.
See screenshot for navigation on a repair order. The "Add Misc. Charge" option is available on the "items" tab of the repair order.
The quantity will be a negative number
The dollar amount of the deposit will be entered in the "price" column of the document.
There should be a $0 balance due when finalizing or settling these documents, as all money collected was received prior to dead-week and is accounted for with the miscellaneous charge.
Did you take a deposit during dead-week and the following conditions are met?
- Deposit was taken during dead week
- Items on parts sales order or service repair order have not yet been picked up by the customer