Creating Service Repair Orders During the Catch-up Work Completion Process Using the Customer Console Page of the CRM

Below is the process to be followed when recreating documents after your RIMSS trainer is on-site with you and differs from any catchup work started prior to the arrival of the RIMSS training staff.

Creating service documents will being form the CRM Customer Console. Navigation: CRM>Find>Customer Console

See screenshot for proper navigation.

The customer console provides a tremendous amount of customer related information. There are two data-entry fields on this page: Phone # and Caller ID Name.

Other data fields will populate from this information.

The phone number associated with the customer may be entered in the phone # field using a 7 or 10-digit format without dashes or spaces.

The caller ID name field allows a customer record to be located using only a partial name. (i.e.: John W. Smith may be initially searched using only a last name and then narrowing the search from the results populated.)

Entering only the first part of the test customer's name allowed the Customer Console to populate with all related information. Clicking on the "wholegoods" tab within the console will allow all customer-owned wholegoods to be viewed.

The desired wholegood may be found by simply viewing the list or by using the highlighted header line to limit the information seen on the screen.

Right click the desired wholegood record to create a new repair order document.

  1. Initiation Date will be the date the original repair order was created
  2. Internal memo will reference the original document that is now being recreated (i.e.: #12345)
  3. Printed memo will match the Internal Memo field and will reference the original document being recreated
  4. Service Writer name is required based upon the company's internal preferences and will be selected from a drop-down menu when required.
  5. Service Type is used based upon the company's internal preferences and will be selected from a drop-down menu will required.
  6. Hours In will be taken from the hour reading of the unit being serviced. The requirement for Hours In and Hours Out is based upon the company's internal preferences.
  7. The Service Issues tab will navigate to the area of the repair order where the complaint, cause, and correction will be entered.

Add New Service Issue or Add Standard Service Issue will allow entry of the complaint, cause, and correction information.

  1. Select service issue type: Customer, Warranty, or Internal (Internal job types are typically only used for dealer-owned equipment such as the company forklift or truck.)
  2. If the warranty provider requires a customer-paid deductible, enter the appropriate amount.
  3. If choosing a warranty type job, then select the appropriate warranty customer from the warranty customer drop-down.
  4. If shop supplies will not be calculated for this repair order (many manufacturers refuse to pay for shop supplies), select to "ignore on misc. shop charge calculations".
  5. Enter the description (complaint), cause, and fix (correction)

Click on the "Items" tab of the repair order.

  1. Enter parts by part number
  2. Assign each part to the appropriate service issue (if there are multiple parts being added they may be multi assigned by assigning the then right-clicking on that assignment to apply the same assignment to all unassigned parts). Assign all parts before adjusting the pricing to match.
  3. Assign all parts before adjusting the pricing to match. Match the price and quantity to the original repair order document.

  1. Click on the "Labor" tab of the repair order
  2. Click "Add New Labor"
  3. Select appropriate service issue for apply this labor line
  4. Select the technician from the drop-down menu
  5. Select the appropriate op code for this labor line
  6. Enter the actual hours accrued by the technican
  7. Enter the billable hours that will be charged to the customer

Will the repair order be left in an open status to be completed at a later time?

  1. If repair order is not complete and the repair order will be left in an open status, click "save".
  2. If a printed copy is needed: click: "print", "save and print".

Is the repair order complete?

  1. Click on the "General" tab to view the repair order totals and match to the original document.

  1. From the "General" tab of the repair order, click the "subtotal" button
  2. Verify that the parts, labor, sales tax, and repair order total match the original document that was finalized during dead week.
    1. If there is a small sales tax difference, please refer to the help document named "Sales Tax Rounding"
    2. If there are variances in the totals of the document, return to the appropriate tab and make changes as needed to bring the document to an exact match of the original document.
  3. Toggle the repair order to a closed status.
  4. Select a settlement type
    1. "Settle Invoice" will allow a payment type to be selected
    2. "Settle to GL" is typically processed by the accounting office
    3. "Add to Inventory" is used when parts are used to create a wholegood through a manufacturing process for items to be added to the parts inventory.
    4. "Add to Wholegood" will allow associated charges to be added directly to the cost of a wholegood and is typically used for make-ready costs.

If using "Settle Invoice" option:

  1. Adjust the "Settlement Date" to match the date of the completion of the original document. This is VERY important.
  2. Select the payment method that was used on the original document, click "Save and Print Receipt". Staple recreated complete repair order on top of the original document and place in catch-up work folder for the appropriate date.

When returning to the Customer Console for your next repair order, search for the next customer as you did when beginning this process.

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