How to Create a New IR/Bill

Creating a New IR/Bill: There are a few options that allow you to create:

To create a New IR/Bill: Suppliers > New > Item Receipt/Bill

OR:  Inventory > New >Item Receipt/Bill

Option 1:  Creating an IR with an Approved PO: 

Once the PO # is populated, change the Invoice Date to the date of the Invoice. Enter yourPacking Slip# or Invoice # in the Supplier Reference field.  The Recv’ed Qty will populate automatically from your PO.  Make sure that the quantities are correct. Verify the cost is correct and matches your document.  Save the document.  This completes the process of creating an IR with an Approved PO.

Option 2 – Creating an IR manually.

1.    Type in Supplier Name or a portion of the Supplier Name and hit enter to search for the Supplier.  Double click on the correct Supplier to add that Supplier to the I/R.

2.    Enter your Invoice # or Packing List # into the Supplier Reference field.

3.    Once you finalize all information on the IR/Bill, change your Doc Type to Bill*.

*The Doc Type “Item Receipt” means that the Items are received into inventory and in Accounts Payable.  In order for the document to display in Pay Bills or Pay Supplier Statement, the Doc Type must be changed to “Bill”.  Usually the accounting office will reconcile all IR’s and be in charge of the Doc Type.

Now you are ready to add items to your IR.  The illustration below shows how you can enter a partial part # and an Item Lookup will pop up.   Double clicking on the item you want will add it to the IR.  You can also use shortcut key F12 to open the Item Lookup.

When searching for a part and your search doesn’t return any items, click on Include Catalog to search and see if this part is available in the catalog.

By selecting “Yes” a Quick Add Inventory Item will populate.  Make sure all the information is correct, select a Bin Location, and then click Ok to Add into inventory.

G/L line items and Parts can be added to the IR/Bill by clicking on the Type drop down box.  Choose the G/L in the drop-down menu for non-inventory items. This will open a pop-up of the Chart of Accounts to allow you to choose the appropriate account for the charge. Once the appropriate account has been located, double click to add that account to the IR/Bill.  Enter in the cost as it appears on the packing slip or invoice.

The screen below shows the Select G/L Account pop-up.   Double click on the appropriate G/L to add to the I/R. Enter the cost that is on the packing slip or the invoice in the Unit Cost column.

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