Creating Parts Invoice during Catch-up Work Completion

Navigation: Inventory>New>Invoice

  1. Add Customer by clicking on the "..." and then searching for the appropriate customer
  2. Document date MUST match the original invoice date
  3. Add Salesperson
  4. Internal memo will reference the original document number (i.e.: #12345)
  5. Printed memo will reference the original document number (i.e.: #12345)
  6. Enter Item/Part number and ENTER, enter the quantity of item sold
  7. Match quantity and price of item from original invoice. Price changes may be made in the "price" column.
  8. Add miscellaneous charge "sales tax rounding", as needed, to force match totals when sales tax does not match exactly (see separate help document "Sales Tax Rounding" if necessary)
  9. Verify that RIMSS invoice total matches the original invoice exactly
  10. Select "Collect Payment
  11. Reconfirm that the new invoice total matches the original invoice total.
  12. Select the same payment method that was used for the original document. The document total will auto-populate into the field associated with the payment method but may be modified in the case of a split payment.
  13. Save and Print Receipt
  14. Staple new RIMSS invoice on top of the original document and place in folder for that day's catch-up work.

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