Recommendations for RIMSS Directory Exclusions in Anti-Virus Programs
For Client Computers:
For configuring the security policy of antivirus programs, the following directories could be set for exclusion to prevent exceptions to the RIMSS program.
By creating these exclusions, we do not guarantee that your antivirus program will not create an exception or block RIMSS. This is a starting point to minimize the potential issues that may arise if you utilize an antivirus program.
There are numerous anti-virus programs on the market. If you need assistance with how to set these exclusions, you will need to obtain assistance from your Anti-Virus provider or your local IT expert. C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\RIMSS
C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Local\Apps C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\RIMSS
For RIMSS Server:
SQL Server Data Files
These files contain the data in the Databases and typically have the following extensions:
.mdf - Primary Data file groups
.ldf - Transaction Log file groups
These files are located in various locations depending on the server.
SQL Server Backup Files
These files contain the backup files and typically have the following extensions:
.bak - Database backup files.
Which in most cases is:
Some may have a D:\Backup or even an E:\Backup.
If you need assistance finding the specific location of these files or directories, please contact