Attaching Kubota Forms to Wholegoods to Print with Invoices
Kubota requests that certain forms to be printed with each equipment sale and provided to the end customer. You can add forms to your wholegoods and mark them to print with the sale using the following process.
- Save the form to be printed with invoices in an easy to access folder.
- Open RIMSS and navigate to the wholegood. Open the Wholegood record. (Our recommendation would be to do this step during the creation of the unit rather than at a later time)
- Navigate to the attachments tab of the wholegood and upload the document by selecting the "Add Attachment" button.
Once your attachment is uploaded, you will want to mark the checkbox to "Print WG Sale" as shown below. Be sure to save the wholegood once you have selected the box.
Now when you settle the invoice for the sale of this unit, the system will finalize and print the invoice as normal. At the time of print, you will receive the popup below. Click "Yes" to print the Kubota document attached to the wholegood. Please note that the document must be in a format that the system recognizes in order for this print option to work. My example was done with a pdf document.