Assigning Miscellaneous Charges to Specific Document Types

You now have the ability to customize which Miscellaneous Charges willbe available in the pop-up for the different document types.  To set up the charges for the specific document types, go to

Company > Location Support Lists > MiscellaneousCharges.

These settings are Location Specific, so you will need to set these up in every Company and Location.

This will bring up the list of Miscellaneous Charges.  You can double-click on any of the lines to open and edit an existing Miscellaneous Charge or you can click “Add New” to set up and customize a new Miscellaneous Charge.  

On the bottom of the Miscellaneous Charge pop-up, there are now selection boxes for the different document types.  They all default to checked.  You will want to uncheck any document types that the charge will not be used for. Unchecking the selection box will remove this charge from the Miscellaneous Charge list that will be available on that document type.

Now when I click on “Add Misc Charge” on a POS Document, I will only see the Miscellaneous Charges set up for that document type.  Below is an example of the limited list pulled up for Wholegood Invoices.

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