1099 Forms - Supplier Setup and Form Creation

If you are required to send 1099 reports to the government for specific vendors, WinNetStar can collect these values and then print the reports in the correct boxes on the blank 1099 forms. WinNetStar does not print the actual form; you must purchase preprinted forms. A sample of the correct form is below.

In order to have the system print a 1099 for a supplier, the 1099 flags must be set in the supplier master. Go to Supplier > Find > Supplier.

Search for and choose the supplier you wish to edit, then click on the details tab of the supplier master. There you will find two flags related to 1099s.

The first is the Vendor 1099 box that signifies that you wish to print a 1099 for this vendor. The second is the type of 1099 that fits this vendor. Once done, select Save and Close.

To run the 1099s, go to Supplier -> Print 1099 Forms.

Once on this screen, select the Tax Year and click fetch. This action should display all vendors marked as 1099 and the amounts for the selected year. The amounts will appear in the box chosen in the vendor master in the first step above. If there are red X’s in the boxes to the right of a vendor, that means that the 1099 box was checked in the master but no Default 1099 box was chosen. To resolve this, you may either fill in the box to the right of the recipient's name or you can go back into the supplier record, choose the proper 1099 box, then return here and fetch the list again. In either case, you cannot print the 1099s until all red X’s have been addressed.

To fill in the box manually, click in the appropriate box and add the amounts.

Once all of the red X’s have been addressed, you can check the Select All Vendors box to print all of the 1099s, or you can select which forms to print.

When you have the Recipients selected that you wish to print, click the Print 1099-Misc button.

Below is a sample of the output. You may want to print the first page on white paper and line it up with the form. If adjustments need to be made, you may do so by moving the dotted lines at the top or left in the direction the data needs to move. Once lined up, print the remaining forms to the printer. Close the print preview screen once all forms are printed. You can repeat this process as needed if you need to reprint any or all of the forms.

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