Exporting a Kubota Surplus Return

These instructions are intended to help you export your Surplus Return to Kubota and assume you have already identified all parts needed to create your Return.

These instructions are to assist you in exporting your Kubota Surplus Return to Kubota. The export is done from within a Purchase Order. Quantities are entered as a negative. Although the quantities are entered as a negative, they will be uploaded to KubotaLink as a positive quantity.

The negative quantities give you the ability to create an IR/Bill and reduce the On Hand by the quantity returned. The export process requires you to save the export file to your PC as a “csv” (Comma-Separated Values file). You will then log into KubotaLink and upload the file into KubotaLink.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Do not double click and open the csv file that is saved on your PC as this will change the format of the file.

Exporting the Kubota Surplus Return

Create a new Purchase Order for Kubota. Add all parts to be returned to Kubota with negative quantities. Make sure to leave the status of the PO as Unapproved until the Return has been exported to Kubota. This will allow you to modify the PO, if necessary, in case any changes are needed.

1. An internal memo can be added if needed

2. Quantities are entered as negative

3. Approval status is left as unapproved

4. Select the export option

After selecting the Export option, choose Kubota Return as the Order Type.

The first time you export a Kubota Return, you will receive the following prompt. Answer Yes or No accordingly. This will set the format of the export file and is a one-time prompt.

Next, you will be prompted where to save the file to your PC. In this example, we have created a Kubota Surplus Return folder on the Desktop.

1.    Select where the file is being saved on your PC. This location will be needed when uploading the file to Kubota.

2.    The system will assign a File Name, which will be your PO #

3.    The system will assign the File Type (Comma-Separated Values files (*.csv)

4.   Press Save

After pressing Save above, you will be prompted for the Order Type. Select RA as shown below.

You should receive the following message indicating your export file was successfully created.

Next you will log into KubotaLink to upload the Surplus Return File.

Any questions regarding processing the Return should be directed to KubotaLink.

After logging into KubotaLink, select Parts Return.

Select Semi-Annual Parts Return Import

1.    Browse your PC and select the Folder / File you saved from the Export.

2.    Select Import Return File.

Press the Validate Return button.

Make any corrections as needed in KubotaLink. Any changes to quantities or parts deleted in KubotaLink will also need to be done on the Purchase Order used for the Export Process.

Once your PO agrees with the parts and quantities in KubotaLink, you can change the status of your PO to Approved.

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