Kubota IKQ Customer Sync

WinNetStar includes a feature that allows you to sync the Customer Records in IKQ with your Customer Master Records.  To use this feature, navigate to

Customer>Utilities>Sync Kubota IKQ Customers. 

The IKQ Customer Update screen has two tabs. The Existing Customers Tab represents customer records from IKQ that have been linked to a record in WinNetStar. The user must check the box next to the corresponding value for syncing purposes – either the IKQ value or the DBS value. Values that are different will be highlighted in red. A right mouse click will give you menu options for Select All IKQ, Select All DBS, and Delete. All lines for a particular customer must be selected with a checkbox in either the DBS column or the IKQ column prior to clicking on the Submit Changes button. Clicking on this button will update the respective systems to sync the data.

The New Customers tab will display all customer data from quotes sent to WinNetStar from IKQ where the customer was not linked to an existing WinNetStar customer record. A right mouse click on this tab will produce menu options for Link to Existing Customer, Create New Customer, and Delete.

The Link to Existing Customer option produces a customer search popup. Find the customer and double click to create the link. If there are differences in data fields between the IKQ data on this screen and the data elements in the linked record from WinNetStar, the customer will now show up on the Existing Customers tab for you to resolve those differences and perform the final sync.

The Create New Customer option will create a new customer master record in WinNetStar.

If you do not wish to Link or Create a new record, select the Delete option.

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