CNH Financial Setup And Submission

If you are a CNH dealer, you are required to submit financials to CNH on a monthly basis. With WinNetStar, you can configure your chart of accounts and submit the report directly to CNH. The first step is to configure the chart of accounts.

Go to Reports -> MFG Financials -> CNH Financial Statements.

Even if this is your initial setup, you must enter an “As of Month Ending” and click “Create Mapped Financials.” This will populate the left side with all GL accounts in WinNetStar. It will populate the right side with the CNH descriptions and amounts of any accounts that have been mapped to that point.

To map new accounts, right click on the account and select Modify.  This will bring up the Modify Account screen.  Click the … next to CNH Chart of Accounts Mapping.  Select the mapping that best fits this account.

The mapping will appear in the window to the right of CNH Chart ofAccount mapping.  Click OK and go to the next account.

Once all accounts have been mapped, the totals at the bottom of both sides of the screen should equal. 

If they are not equal, first check to see if you missed any accounts when mapping.  Click the filter in the upper-right of the CNH COA Description row and click on the blank line in between Custom and the first description line. If you see any accounts that have Amounts but the mapping is blank, map according to the instructions above. 

The second thing to check is if you have any inactive accounts that either have or have not been mapped in your list. If once you click all the filters off by clicking the red X in the lower left corner of the left box, the totals match, then you are fine. If they still don’t match, then check the inactive accounts for blank CNH mapping using the same process above. Since both balances now equal, I can continue with the process.

Click on the Step 2 – Input Memo Account Values tab.  Any values required by CNH that are not filled in by WinNetStar must be filled in manually.  Check with CNH customer support for the required fields.

Click on Step 3 – Review YTD Financial tab, then click on the Review YTD Financial button to review the financials prior to submission and save a copy if desired. If everything is mapped to the proper account type, the assets and liabilities columns should be equal. Note: the report will balance if the account type is correct, but it may be in the wrong column. Check the totals for accuracy.

Once comfortable with the report, click the Step 4 – Transmit YTD Financial Statement tab.  Make sure the check box marked is in the Production position, then click the Transmit Financial Statement button.  You will receive a confirmation that transmission was successful. 

If you wish to view previous submissions, click the Previous Submissions tab, then click “Click to View Attachment” on the line you wish to view.

If you encounter errors, click the Errors tab then click Check for Errors to view them. If you do encounter errors, contact RIMSS Support for assistance.

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